iSleep Herb Pack


Do you get Deep, Restful, Sleep Every Night?


Do you struggle with falling asleep and staying asleep?

iSleep Herbal combination is over 500 years old.

Hundreds of years of continual use of these herbs and now recent research, shows these herbs provide


iSleep Herb Pack Ingredients

  • Pacific Herbs Ingredient Anemarrhenae Root Zhi Mu
    It is the root of this herb that has properties of clearing excess fire and at the same time nourishing the yin. These are two very important treatment principals and therefore makes this herb a prized possession. Its major chemical constituents include saponines, flavonoids, polysaccharides(...)
  • Pacific Herbs Ingredient Biota seed bai zi ren
    Seeds are small storage vessels of potential and the Biota seed is often used to help calm the mind and spirit.
  • Pacific Herbs Ingredient Concha Margarita Zhen Zhu Mu
    Concha Margarita, known as Zhen Zhu Mu in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is esteemed for its calming and cooling properties. It nourishes Yin, clears heat, and anchors the Spirit, making it beneficial for conditions like insomnia, palpitations, and irritability.  It also promotes overall(...)
  • Pacific Herbs Ingredient Liquorice Root
    Licorice has a long and highly varied record of uses. It was and remains one of the most important herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is said this herb goes to all twelve channels of the body, a claim given to only a few Chinese herbs. By entering all body channels this herb is often(...)
  • Pacific Herbs Ingredient Ligusticum Chuan Xiong
    This very popular and common herb in many Chinese herbal medicine formulas is used to regulate blood circulation. In iSleep Herb Pack a small amount is used help circulate and improve the actions of all the herbs in the formula. The entourage effect is important. Like making a cake, it’s not(...)
  • Pacific Herbs Ingredient Ophiopogon Root Mai Men Dong
    A nourishing but very mild herb. It is often combined with others for it’s most potent effects. Used in this formula to nourish the yin, clear the heart and eliminate irritability. Insomnia often occurs when the spirit of the heart is restless and rising upward to the brain. This restlessness(...)
  • Pacific Herbs Ingredient Polygonum Multiflori Ye Jiao Teng
    Asian medicine says lack of nourishment to the heart causes sleep disorders such as difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, excessive dreams and disrupted sleep. This sweet herb addresses all of these symptoms. This herbs calming effect is said to open the orifices of the heart channel(...)
  • Pacific Herbs Ingredient Poria Fu Ling
    Poria is most commonly used to strengthen the spleen and calms the mind in TCM. Beyond poria’s principal action, this herb is also used to calm the heart spirit.
  • Pacific Herbs Ingredient ziziphus suan zao ren
    This little seed has a store house of vitamins, minerals proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes and more that are extremely beneficial for those suffering from sleeplessness. Clinical studies and research have shown Ziziphaus, (when processed correctly) can help quiet brain transmissions.(...)

(Click here our pharmaceutical plant video tour.)

iSleep Herbs Pack is:

  • Pharmaceutical grade highly concentrated extracts

  • Fast acting

  • Great tasting

  • Non-habit forming /non-addicting

  • Help stops the over-thinking process and quiets your mind

Why You Should Try iSleep?

When you sleep better, your health improves because your body has rested.

iSleep will improve your sleep patterns while simultaneously giving you a restful nights sleep!

iSleep Will Help You:

  • Fall asleep faster
  • Reduce tossing and turning
  • End the cycle of waking up too early
  • Allow you to sleep deeper
  • Feel rested and wake up alert
  • Quiets the thoughts in your mind

The secret of health preservation is first of all SLEEP. It can regenerate the essence, improve health, invigorate the Spleen and Stomach and strengthen bones and muscles… it is an ever-successful panacea for all illnesses.

 Is iSleep Safe?

500 Years can’t be wrong! Many of the herbs used in iSleep are used in Traditional Chinese cooking. i.e. jujube seed, poria, licorice. Herbs used as foods are the safest form of medicine. Hippocrates said, “Let medicine be thy food and food be thy medicine”. The natural herbal ingredients have been time tested and clinically tested. (see the study on 20,000 people here)

The combination of herbs in iSleep was originally written down over 800 years ago. Since iSleep is not a drug it can repair the bodies natural sleep cycle by calming the mind and allowing you to fall asleep naturally.

Sleep is an essential part of our normal healthy, balanced life. If you are not getting 8-10 hours of restfully, restorative sleep each night, iSleep Herb Pack can help.

When our bodies are functioning in a balanced state our energy improves and we feel healthy. Whether you have occasional sleeplessness or just want to enjoy a more restful nights sleep, iSleep will help!

Our Traditional Chinese herbal formula calms your mind so you can go to sleep and stay asleep and be rested and productive the next day.

iSleep provides a therapeutic amount of herbal extract in each packet. 1/2 tsp contains approx. 2000 mg.  Compare this to 2-3 pills which often contain as little as 500 mg of active herbal ingredients.

Pacific Herbs Premium Product Guarantee

See our Gold Standard Processing here!

iSleep Herb Pack is formulated based on scientific and clinical research. Click here for study links and research documentation.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Note on the Zizyphus – Studies show this herb contains unique triterpenes also known as jujubosides. The jujubosides are nearly identical to the active constituents found in ginseng, an herb that is traditionally used as a sedative and a tonic. Correct dosage is very important when using zizyphus and some studies show low dose zizyphus has no effects on sleeplessness. Full spectrum water extract has been shown to extract the full chemical constituents in zizyphus.


  1.  J. Chen & T. Chen, Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology, Art of Medicine Press 2004 California
  2.  Y. Shou-zhong (translator), The Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica, 1998 Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, CO.
  3. O. Ming, ed., Chinese-English Manual of Common-Used Herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1989 Joint Publishing Co., Hong Kong.
  4. Z. Youping, Chinese Materia Medica: Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Applications, 1998 Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam.
  5. State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Advanced Textbook on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, (vol. 2) 1995-6 New World Press, Beijing.
  6. Dong ZL and Yu SF, Modern Study and Application of Materia Medica, 1990 China Ocean Press, Hong Kong.
  7. Lou Songnian, et al., Sedative and hypnotic actions of raw and fried suanzaoren, Journal of Chinese Herb Research 1987; (2): 18-19.
  8. Clinical Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Suan Zao Ren Tang, for Sleep Disturbance during Methadone Maintenance: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
iSleep Size

50 gram packet (1.75 oz.), 100 gram packet (3.5 oz.)