No Period Cramps

Birth Control Pills For Period Cramps Has Risks

Birth Control for Menstrual Cramps Carries Risks

The Dr. Oz web site says birth control pill are safe for young girls period cramps. Dr. Oz and his writers haven’t done the research because studies show the risks are great, especially for young developing bodies under the age of 18.  Educate yourself and your daughters on the risk associated with oral contraception, the birth control pill.  The research is overwhelming.  There are serious risks to taking the pill for long periods of time and when starting usage at an early age.  Dr. Larry Norton from Memorial Sloane Kettering Hospital in New York City said this on the Oprah Magazine website when asked about the safety of birth control pills.

“Birth control pills are an estrogen-progesterone combination, so they bring up the same fears as HRT. Some disagree with me, but I just don’t see a reason to take the Pill—even for younger women. The fact is, breast cancer cells, at least in the formative stages, like estrogen. So the more continuously you feed them the estrogen, the greater the likelihood you’ll have a malignancy. With the sexually transmitted diseases that we have to worry about nowadays, I think barrier methods make a lot more sense.”

Say no to birth control pills for young girls painful menstrual cramps.  There are better, safer, natural choices to relieve menstrual cramps and PMS.  The “PILL”  was never intended to be used for severe menstrual cramps.   Do your own research, because too often doctors don’t even know these studies exist.  Learn about herbal remedies for period cramps  have been relieving menstrual cramps and PMS for hundreds of years. There are many natural alternatives for period pain. Learn about ours here.  Natural options such as Traditional Eastern herbal combinations have been used for generations, safely,most and are successful at relieving menstrual cramps and most period symptoms.

Acetaminophen Can Be Fatal Study Says

Acetaminophen, also known as Tylenol, causes severe liver toxicity and too much can be fatal.

A study released on Nov. 22, 2011 in the UK showed repeated doses of “slightly too much acetaminophen” can be fatal.

This study was published online November 22 in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. “On admission, these staggered overdose patients were more likely to have liver and brain problems, require kidney dialysis or help with breathing and were at a greater risk of dying than people who had taken single overdoses,” senior author Kenneth J. Simpson, MBChB (Hons), MD, FRCP (Edin), from the University of Edinburgh and Scottish Liver Transplant Unit in the United Kingdom, said in a news release. “They haven’t taken the sort of single-moment, one-off massive overdoses taken by people who try to commit suicide, but over time the damage builds up, and the effect can be fatal,” he adds.

In the U.K. and the U.S. acetaminophen hepatotoxicity is the leading cause of acute liver failure (ALF).

When asked why people repeatedly ingest Tylenol or acetaminophen the most common answer is pain.  Young women often use it several days a month for menstrual cramps and period pain. However, using Acetaminophen (Tylenol) month after month for menstrual cramps has overdose risks.  Unfortunately, many women don’t realize there are other natural answers to menstrual cramps.

Looking for a natural pain reliever for menstrual cramps?  PMS Relief Herb Pack has been used for centuries in the East and is now available in the West.


This study received no external funding. The authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Br J Clin Pharmacol. Published online November 22, 2011.

Can Cash Register Receipts Cause PMS?

As women, our hormonal cycles can make us an emotional mess! From our first period to our last, we are dominated by our hormones.  These tricky little messengers can run around amuck in our bodies for years and are often never “on a short lease and house trained.”  This is my motto and the way I like my hormones.


In other words, I want some predictability.   I don’t want the unknown creeping into my day and then I blow a fuse without any warning.  I think my family appreciates this too, especially my kids!   But life is not always so predictable and neither are our hormones.  If you agree, then it’s time to do something about them!


Hormonal balance is possible, in fact it’s absolutely essential to maintaining our good health. This has become harder to do with all the chemicals we find everywhere and so many products we take for granted our safe to us.  The fact is our bodies absorb many chemicals through our skin that can throw our hormonal balance into a spiraling nose dive.  As you probably know hormonal imbalance is the precursor to PMS, menstrual cramps, peri-menopause and menopause symptoms. So keeping the balance is crucial no matter what your age.


Here's one tip on a chemicals you may have already heard about but didn't realize it could be sneeking into your body in ways you never considered.

The chemical is BPA’s (Bisphenol A)  a known endocrine disrupting chemical which acts like estrogen in our body. Did you know that cash register receipts are made from thermal papers that contain high amounts of BPA’s.  When you touch these receipts or even handle cash today, (much of the BPA’s are landing on our cash) you potentially have high amounts of BPA’s on your hands. The cumulative effect is the effect we are worried about here.  Your action step to prevent BPA’s entering your body is easy.

Wash your hands before you eat or touch you mouth.

It should be part of our daily hygiene anyway.  But often times we eat on the run, pick up fast food and have just touched the receipt of the food we bought.   Just be cognitive, that you may not really need that receipt.

Politely decline taking the receipt. Washing your hands may seem like a simple baby step to creating better health and healing for your body from PMS to menopausal symptoms.  But,  adding a whole lot of small healthy steps together takes you from a standstill to a full sprint in creating better health.  If you have more questions revisit the information on BPA’s in the book, Stop Your Bitching…naturally! or get "30 Days of Tips To Stop Your Bitching…naturally!  The book of tips is an easy to follow guidebook with one TIP for everyday of the month to help you bring balance back to your hormonal shifts..NATURALLY.  

Get 30 Days of Tips FREE from October 18-20th, 2013 on Amazon downloadable books. 



Natural Menstrual Cramp Relief fast with PMS Relief Herb Pack from Pacific Herbs

Midol For Period Cramps – Now On FDA Watch List For Serious Side Effects

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has added all acetaminophen containing products to its quarterly list of products to monitor because of serious risks or new safety information. The side effects include liver disease or liver complications and skin rashes according to the FDA website. (


The quote below is direct from the FDA website:

"What you may not realize is that more than 600 medications, both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC), contain the active ingredient acetaminophen to help relieve pain and reduce fever. Taken carefully and correctly, these medicines can be safe and effective. But taking too much acetaminophen can lead to severe liver damage."


If you are taking a OTC pain reliever like Midol, Tylenol, Premsyn PMS (a brand name of acetaminophen) for menstrual cramps for several days every month then consider other options for your pain. Period pain is often times one of the main reasons young women take OTC pain relievers and they often not understanding the risks.  Doubling up on acetaminophen by taking a cold and flu product or drinking alcohol while taking this OTC pain killer can cause serious liver damage.


If you have unrelenting menstrual cramps and period pain each and every month. Run, don't walk to this link and the book, "Stop Your Bitching…naturally!  A Step By Step Guide to Balance Your Hormones and End PMS & Menstrual Cramps".  You'll have all the answers you need to get off the liver damaging pain killers like acetaminophen.



Yaz and Yasmin Birth Control Pill Side Effects & Lawsuits

No Yaz or Yasmin  birth control Please don't be one of the thousands of women who are being injured by Yaz or Yasmin birth control pills.  


"The birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin, which were endorsed by an FDA advisory committee last December, contain a drug called drospirenone. Women who take it are nearly seven times more likely to develop thromboembolism (obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack, and death) compared to women who do not take any contraceptive pill, and twice the risk of women who take a contraceptive pill containing levonorgestrel."  The Alliance for Natural Health. 


Thousand of women have filed a lawsuit against Bayer, saying they were injuried, but this doesn't change the fact that many are scarred for life.  After a stroke, many women never regain complete use of their arms and legs as before. Many are under age 35 and will live the rest of their lives in bodies that can't run, walk up stairs or even have the use of an arm or hand.   


Reconsider your options for birth control and learn about safer ways to handle menstrual cramps and PMS. There are many good options beyond the pill.   PMS symtoms can be addressed with natural remedies and menstrual cramps are managable with Chinese herbs.  I thought birth control pills were the answer once… before I studied Chinese medicine. Then I learned how to put the body back into balance with herbs and diet I realized how much better I could feel without using a drug.  You can do it too.  PMS Relief Herb Pack will change the way you feel about your monthly periods and your body with thank you.


BPA’s and PMS, Is there A Connection?

Does Japan know something we don't, about BPA's in paper receipts and in aluminum cans?  Why did Japan phase out BPA use over 10 years ago?


BPA's are dangerous chemicals that mimic estrogen in our bodies. A study just published in the journal of Environmental Science and Technology says people handling receipt paper often, like store clerks, are at a high risk for BPA exposure.  (If you are a cashier, consider using gloves.)


BPA's, also known as Bisphenol A, are chemicals that act like estrogen and can cause hormonal imbalances, PMS, irregular menstrual cycles and they have been linked to problems with reproduction and sexual development. Even behavioral and developmental problems in young children and some kinds of cancer have been linked to BPA exposure. 

Should you care about cash register receipts?  YES!  This is another easy way to avoid excess exposure to BPA's.  If you don't need the receipt don't touch it.  Also always wash your hands before eating just in case you've been exposed to BPA's which can be found in many paper products, including toilet paper, tickets, food wrappers, newspapers and napkins. 

If you are a woman constantly having mood swings, PMS, menstrual cramps and menstrual irregularities consider the paper you touch everyday and if you don't need it, don't touch it.   Sometimes it is the small things in life that can make a big difference in our health. Be Well.


Sources:  Kannan, K. Environmental Science and Technology, Sept. 23, 2011.

Teens Use The Pill For Cramps and Acne?

The results of a study by the Guttmacher Institute were just released.  It tells an interesting story about why American teenage girls are choosing birth control pills for noncontraceptive reasons. 


The study points out that little data has been gathered previously on the use of oral contraception for purposes beyond that of preventing pregnancy.   The federally funded survey done from 2006-2008 titled the "National Survey of Family Growth" examined the reasons why women and teens are  using the pill for noncontraceptive reasons.


The Guttmacher Institute estimated from this survey that 1.5 million women in the U.S. are using oral contraception for noncontraceptive purposes.  This includes reasons such as acne, primary dysmenorrhea, prevention of migraines, fibroids, excessive pelvic pain, bleeding and other "side effects" of menstruation.  The Guttmacher institute says "The reliance on birth control pills for noncontraceptive reasons is highest among pill users who are teenagers. In fact, teens are more likely to report using the pill for noncontraceptive purposes than for birth control: Some 82% of 15-19 year-olds who use OCPs say they do so for non-contraceptive reasons".The three most common reasons are: menstrual pain, menstrual regulation and acne.   The survey did not ask about other hormonal methods of contraception ie. the ring, patch, implant or IUD.  The data was gathered using in-person interviews with 7356 women aged 15-44.


Oral contraception is artificial hormone regulation of the endocrine system and the risks of these drugs can be serious.  A friend of mine, healthy at age 30 suffered a stroke from birth control pills and four years later still has no use of her left arm and walks with an extreme limp. She started the "Pill" at age 15 to alleviate her painful periods.  I do not want to scare you, so I will refrain from further stories from patients or friends, about the use of birth control pills.   But, do the 82% of teenagers using the pill for noncontraception reasons understand the risks of these drugs?  Do they know all the possible ramifications of their choices? My friend has said many times,


"I wish I had known, I never would have taken the pill if I knew this could happen." 


Dr. Larry Norton is a well known breast cancer doctor at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York City and when interviewed on  had this to say about birth control pills.  "Birth control pills are an estrogen-progesterone combination, so they bring up the same fears as HRT. Some disagree with me, but I just don't see a reason to take the Pill–even for younger women. The fact is, breast cancer cells, at least in the formative stages, like estrogen. So the more continuously you feed them the estrogen, the greater the likelihood you'll have a malignancy. With the sexually transmitted diseases that we have to worry about nowadays, I think barrier methods make a lot more sense." 1


Do our teenagers have this information?  Do they know that in 2005 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that "combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraception is carcinogenic to humans."2


Do these teenagers know about  BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes?  Are teens getting checked to see whether they carry this gene mutation?  This mutation gives a woman "a 36-52 percent risk of  developing breast cancer by age 70"3.   Personally, I would want this information to make my choice about oral contraception an informed one.  I want to know about any drug that can possibly cause cancer cell growth, especially if I have a gene that puts me at a higher risk for cancer.


The Breast Cancer Fund has a book called "State of The Evidence"  (this book is free and online) in which they sum up a number of studies on birth control pills with the following statements: "Numerous studies have shown an increase risk of breast cancer in women using oral contraceptives …. especially those who start taking birth control pills earlier in life and take them for a longer period of time."5


What do you think?  Do the teenagers possess this information and are they making informed choices about their health?  Is all the information available to them and are  the facts presented  properly?  Drugs have serious ramifications and not all are immediately evident.  Teens choosing oral contraception for menstrual cramps and acne is a personal choice that requires some serious study.


Women have more choices today than ever before.  Choices have ramifications and choices about our health and drug use are no exception.  Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing and I support it 100%.  I believe choices should be made after carefully weighing benefits and risks.  Due diligence is especially important when the choice could involve serious health consequences.






3. Dr. Susan Love

4. & 5.  Breast Cancer Fund

6.  Guttmacher Institute study

Alternative Medicine – Cures Not Band Aids

Alternative medicine has come a long way since Patch Adams, MD. first challenged the medical status quo.  You may remember Robin Williams played Patch in the movie called "Patch Adams". 

Today, more than 30 years later, he is not the only one to pose the question, "What is a cure and what is a band aid?" Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Massage therapy and other alternative medicine therapies are not yet fully covered by most insurance carriers in the U.S. but times are changing.  

These "Alternative Medicine" therapies are being used everyday by more and more Americans who are finding Acupuncture and Chinese herbs and other therapies are not just band aids.  Around the world, more advanced societies see the value of traditional  Chinese herbs and other healing modalities and depend on herbal remedies rather than artificial drugs.

Sometimes we need a band aid but more often, we what we really need is a cure.

No Monthly Cramps, No Kidding

No cramps & PMS - Herbs work fast for PMS Relief  Be the envy of all your friends because you don't get PMS and cramps anymore.  Yes it's possible!!

The herbs used in PMS Relief Herb Pac are safe, natural and work fast for monthly cramps and PMS moodiness.  There are 14 herbs in PMS Relief that have all been used by generations of women to regulate and relieve monthly period pains. 

Why haven't you heard of this before?  If you lived in just about any part of Asia, you would have heard about these herbs.  In fact, everyone there uses Chinese herbs all the time.  Whether it's in pills, packets or boiled at home, herbs are just regular medicine.  Nothing really out of the ordinary.  I suppose similar to taking Vitamin C here or packets of Emergen C.

Once you try a packet you won't believe the results and you will be the envy of all your friends. Stop suffering in pain, there is an answer, it's all natural, safe and available. 

More info on PMS Relief Herb Pac here.

Six Healthy Foods to Help Fight PMS

PMS and Menstrual cramps helped with diet and Chinese Herbs


You're PMS'ing and what you're craving cupcakes, salty potato chips and CHOCOLATE!!!   Mood swings caused by hormonal changes, especially the drop in progesterone just before your menstrual cycle/period, definitely cause those food binge cravings.  So what's a girl to do??

If you give in to the cravings, your mood plummets further, often from the calorie intake realization and  the sugar that let's you down with a crash.  Bloating is another common problem and the junk food and salty snacks only make that situation worse.

So here's a couple healthy suggestions of foods to help fill you up while at the same time have the extra perk of helping resolve PMS.  At the very least, eat these foods before any junk food.  Don't wait until you have the cravings, feed your body before the cravings get out of control.   (One note, there are lots of healthy dark chocolates available today. Splurge on quality chocolate and eat it in moderation, this will be a benefit in the long run.)

Here's six great foods you must keep on hand at all times, PMS or no PMS.

1.  Garbanzo beans,  I love them pureed into hummus.  You can also easily spice them up with a little garlic, paprika, salt, pepper and dill and melt jarlsberg cheese over them.  Makes a  great snack.   Garbanzo's are high in magnesium, which can reduce bloating and water retention,  Vitamin B6 which has been know to reduce irritability and manganese may help mood swings.  Eat them hot or cold in a salad, either way they are delicious.  

2. Comblex Carb's are your best friend when you're dealing with PMS symptoms. I'm talking, brown rice, oatmeal, beans and whole grain pasta.   Whole grains contains the three nutrients mentioned above, magnesium, vitamin B6, and manganese.   The right balance of these nutrients can help depression,  irritability and as an added bonus they carry few calories for those girls watching their weight. 

3.  Fish  – Fish is high in both omega 3's and 6 fatty acids.   Small fish will have the least amount of pollutants so check out mackerel, sardines and herring.  Ok, it may not be what you were craving but think outside the box.  You're body will love you because it's high in oils, (good for skin and hair) and fish is  also a great source of Vitamin D.  Studies suggest a diet rich in vitamin D may reduce the risk of PMS by about 40 percent.

4.  Nuts –  Nuts are fast and easy and the natural oils help your body make the "feel good" neurotransmitters that impact mood.  Throw  nuts into any meal and they spice up just about everything.  Walnuts, pecans, almonds, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts are some of my favorites.

5.  Sweet potatoes and/or yams –  I consider yams a goddess food for all age women. High in vitamin and minerals, yams are really the perfect food.  Baking a yam is so simple, just wash it and place in oven at 350 degree's for about 45 minutes and your done.  For a faster version, slice the yam into rounds with the skin on, place on a cooking sheet with a little olive oil and thyme and their done in a quick 15 minutes.  (melt blue cheese or feta on top for a yummy treat.)

6.  Water  Drink lots of water.  Often we think we're hungry when really we are just thirsty.  Staying completely hydrated helps bloating and of course fills you up so you won't want to binge on those junk foods.  You can drink  your water as tea, hot or cold.  Add lemon or sweeteners if you need too. If you need more than just foods for your PMS try our PMS Relief tea. It's all herbs, tastes great and is guaranteed to work fast.  You can drink it as a tea right when your period arrives or use a packet in the middle of the month at ovulation to help you deal with mood swings.  The added benefit is the herbs in PMS Relief also help regulate your cycle.  You'll be pain free, PMS free, and bloating will never bother you again.


Does the PMS Monster Wreck Your Life?

Best Natural PMS relief  - a 100% herbal alternative that works Although it may seem like men do not understand the pains of a woman’s monthly cycle, they suffer from it just as much as women do. But let’s face it — men can’t imagine the burden of a monthly period just like women could never fathom the pain of being kicked in the groin. And why would we want to?

For males throughout history, a woman menstrual cycle has been a foreign and repulsive topic. Aside from the physical symptoms that deem a woman dirty and unattractive, the real monster takes the shape of emotional instability and irritability. The primary victims are women, but we understand that it takes a toll on men as well. The monster creeps in quietly, without warning, and waits.

We may find ourselves feeling ultra sensitive, vulnerable, and demanding extra care. The PMS monster has one goal—to wreak havoc on everyone! Its steep spiral sends us into scary places where we may begin ruminating on past experiences and jumping to conclusions. The PMS monster enlists emotion, which stakes its claim over the territory and takes no prisoners. It cuts off all resources of reason and rationality and forces us to focus on our pain. Hormones can be powerful forces when out of balance.

Men, are just as effected by the monster. The most loving, carrying man now can’t do anything right. Men may wonder why the women in their lives are crying at the sight of something joyful, or are raging in response to a simple question. The truth is that we are possessed by the PMS monster, hormones gone wild. Once it takes over, no man is safe, not even the most caring, patient male will be free from the unpredictable behavior set off by the wretched monster that possesses his beloved. She may rant and rave for a day or a night, men never seem to get use to this unpredictable behavior that defies all logic.

Men may even succumb to the saying: "Never trust anything that bleeds for days straight and lives to tell about it."

However, there is hope! Along with the burden mother nature has placed on us, she has also provided us with natural solutions that can combat the reign of terror set off by Pre-menstrual Syndrome and the companion symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, depression, headache, edema and abdominal pain. Mother Nature’s herbal agents, dang gui peony root, bupleurum and cyperus root are just a few of the warriors that can be recruited to restore the natural balance to women, men, and relationships. Women will experience less pain, mood lifts and energy, and men will experience less confusion and frustration.

Mother Nature’s wonder drugs (a.k.a. herbs) have been used in Chinese Medicine for generations and can help restore a woman’s natural balance.   These herbs have the power to calm and sooth the PMS monster.  We packaged it in convenient stay fresh PACkets to keep the herbs fresh and therefore more potent than anything you can find in capsules.  The blend of specific herbs gives PMS Relief Herb Pac a real punch when it comes to knocking out the PMS monster.  What do you have to loose, the PMS monster?  We guarantee it!