supplements for insomnia

Plants Medicinals vs Prescriptions to Promote Peaceful Sleep.. What’s the difference?

“My 88 year old husband was prescribed Ambien for insomnia.  After the first dose, he fell while getting up to go the  bathroom, gashed his head and had to go to the emergency room for  stitches.  A year later, I gave him a half-dose (again prescribed) and within minutes, his legs collapsed on him.  I had the hardest time getting him into bed. 

Ambien?  Never again!

Your experience reminds us that sleeping pills may pose a serious risk for older people who have to get up at night to go to the bathroom. This is a dilemma, because many seniors suffer from insomnia. Even over-the-counter sleep aids sleep aids that contain the sedating antihistamine diphenhydramine ( advil PM, Nytol, Sominex, Tylenol PM etc.) may also contribute to unsteadiness, urinary retention and similar host of side effects such as rebound  next day sleepiness and cognitive impairment.  Older people should be careful with sleeping pills like Ambien.  Other side effects may include reflux, next-day memory impairment, dry mouth and dizziness.”1

For those among us who experience  occasional  insomnia, you may have already tried a plethora of sleeping aids.   The story above illustrates some of the dangers of the prescriptions on the market.  Drugs such as the benzodiazepines approved as sleep aids, estazolam (ProSom), flurazepam (Dalmane), and temazepam (Restoril) have serious side effects.  As with all these medications  daytime sleepiness, cognitive impairment, dizziness, unsteadiness, sleep-walking, sleep-driving, memory lapses, and hallucinations have all been reported as a result of sleeping pills. If you have only mild insomnia,  relying to heavily on sleeping pills can cause dependency and  if abused may worsen your sleeping problems. 

There are several non-prescription drugs sold over the counter for sleeplessness which contain the antihistamine diphenhydramine.   Brands such as  Benadryl, Nytol, Tylenol PM, and Sominex,  which block the action of acetylcholine (anticholinergic effect) and are used as a sedative because they causes drowsiness.  However, these may  also contribute to unsteadiness and urinary retention.  There’s also a fairly new drug out called zolpide, a sedative,  it’s a inexpensive generic version of the drug Ambien. Generally it’s not prescribed for more than 10 days and is usually taken intermittently as needed to avoid problems with addiction or habituation, loss of effectiveness, and rebound phenomena. “The most common side effects of zolpidem are drowsiness, dizziness, and a “drugged” feeling, which probably reflect the action of the drug. Other side effects include confusion, insomnia, euphoria, ataxia (balance problems), and visual changes.” 1

The difference between  drugs and taking an herbal medicinal are both the actions and side effects.  Addiction is not a concern with natural medicinals. 

Plants used in Chinese herbal medicine have been clinically tested  and studies throughout  Asia for the past 50 plus years.  Their usage goes back to 2nd century. One such medicinal  known to have a soothing  and calming effect on the body and promote sleep is  Spiny jujube or (zizyrus spinosae semen).  Spiny jujube has been well documented for use when occasional insomnia is an issue.  One study on rats showed spinosae significantly increased the rate of sleep onset and exhibited a synergistic effect with 5-HTP.2   “These results suggest that spiny jujube potentiated pentobarbital-induced sleep via a serotonergic mechanism.”  Translation, you sleep without being put into a drug induced state.  This herb and others are the answer to a peaceful nights sleep, without  all the side effects of  prescription or OTC drugs.



2.  Zolpidem



5. WANG LE, BAI YJ, SHI XR, CUI XY, CUI SY, ZHANG F, ZHANG QY, ZHAO YY, ZHANG YH. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2008;90(3):399-403.  Department of Pharmacology, Peking University, School of Basic Medical Science, 38 Xueyuan Lu, Beijing 100083, China


natural pain relief

Opioid Pain Relievers Unanimously Approved in Oregon

On April 16, 2017 Oregon’s House of Representatives unanimously agreed on a bill that would limit doctors from prescribing opioid drugs for more than seven (7) days unless circumstances determined, by a medical professional, that more were necessary.

NO – Not – Didn’t happen!

This almost happened.  What really happened is the Oregon state legislature instead passed a watered down version of this bill, without the 7 day rule even though the state attorney general’s office had strongly backed the measure because “the risk of overdose and addiction is serious.”

What the House of Representatives in Salem, Oregon passed, is a bill that suggests, clinicians should avoid prescribing opioids and benzodiazepines (a class of psychoactive drugs) known to be addicting after very short time periods. Really!  Yup, they actually took time to pass a bill that now goes to the Senate that “SUGGEST” this.

Even though The Oregon Health Authority says an average of three Oregonians die every week from prescription opioid overdose, the legislature removed any teeth from a bill that might have made a dent in the problem. What good does a bill do that simply “SUGGEST” doctors should cut back on their prescriptions????

I for one am baffled.

Here’s wishing the state legislature would “SUGGEST” a safe botanical like Corydalis for pain relief. The state could become growers of this wonderful, might I even say, “miraculous” plant. Although nobody would get addicted it would provide safe and effective pain relief.  The State could go beyond growing it, they could tax it and regulate it too. This would bring much needed revenue and simultaneously reduce the use of prescription drugs all while having a pain reliever that really works.

The botanical world has plenty of pain relieving chemicals. (uuhhmmm opioids originated from natural chemicals first found in the Poppy plant, now created synthetically.)

Here’s to hoping one day we take plant chemicals seriously and our government representatives “SUGGEST” we use them.

More on Corydalis for pain relief here


TSY-1 herbs

New Study Says Chinese Herbs May Aid Bone Marrow

UCLA researchers have just published a new study on Chinese herbs.  They have been researching a Chinese herbal formula they called TSY-1 to  increased telomerase activity in normal blood cells but decreased it in cancer cells.


This combination of Chinese herbs has been used in China for many years to treat aplastic anemia, a condition where the body stops producing enough new blood cells and myelodysplastic syndrome or preleukemia; both are associated with telomerase abnormality.


Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for the production of telomeres.  The results indicate that telomerase-based treatments may play an important role in treating both blood cell deficiency and cancer.

The five-year study, led by UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center member Dr. Jianyu Rao, measured the ability of TSY-1 to affect telomerase activity in cancer cells lines.   Rao’s team used various approaches, including assays of telomerase activity, measurement of cell growth, and gene expression profiling of TSY-1 treated cells, to determine how it acts. The results showed that the target of TSY-1 activity is the TERT gene. TERT is the major regulatory component of telomerase activity.


The findings provide the foundation and support for further clinical studies to demonstrate the clinical benefit of the Chinese herbs in treatment for cancer and blood cell deficiencies.


The study is published online in the journal OncoTarget Link to PDF of study here

For Chinese herbs like the ones used in this study contact us at 877-818-9990 or

Secrets of the Supplement Industry Revealed

Secrets of the Supplement Industry Revealed

Nature Made Vitamins issued a NATIONWIDE RECALL on its gummy vitamins!

Chinese herbs

They issued the recall fearing Salmonella and/or Staphylococcus Aureus contamination.

Do you know what’s really in your pills and capsules?

Find out at this FREE webinar.

“How To Choose A Quality Supplement” 
I give you the insider secrets the supplement companies will never tell you!

Nothing is taboo – fillers, testing myths – synthetic vitamins.  I’m letting the cat out of the bag and it’s completely FREE!

Healthy Smoothies

Quirky Habits Only Acupuncturists Do

Healthy Smoothies

What is this smoothie fruit doing on the stove, you ask?

Great question.  Let me explain.

As a Licensed Acupuncturists, I have to admit, I have developed some pretty quirky habits. Even after all these years, my family members still give odd stares when I do these things.

For example, I avoid ice water like the plague!

Once while attending a Chinese medicine conference in Austin, on a hot day, a group of us Acupuncturists sat down together to share lunch.  As the waiter arrived to pour freezing cold ice water into our glasses, each of us stopped the gentlemen and said, “Please, no ice!”.

Not the norm, right?

See, Acupuncturists spend a lot of time learning about the digestive system and cold foods and drinks are constricting to the body. Simply put, cold drinks hamper the digestive process. Our internal body temperature is hot by nature, and cooling it off suddenly with cold foods and cold drinks hampers digestion. By the third day of the conference we had trained the staff to bring room temperature water to our lunch table. However, they did give us odd stares as this practice seemed entirely nuts since the outside temperature was 90 degrees.

Besides reducing the cold foods we eat, Acupuncturists have a funny habit of looking at our tongues in a mirror whenever we have the opportunity. We do this because it is the only organ we can actually see (without surgical intervention).  The tongue can tell us a tremendous amount about what is going on inside our bodies. It can tell you if you body is deficient in some area, or excess in another. It can tell us whether we are digesting food well and tell us about various organ systems and even if we are overly stressed.

Another quirky habit I have, (which my family gets a total kick about teasing me about) is my morning smoothie. This reason is, I actually warm up the frozen fruit in a sauce pan rather than use it frozen. As I mentioned cold drinks and foods can damage the digestive system. In the morning, the first thing going into your body should be warm food or a warm drink. This helps jump start your digestive system.  Try it.  You will notice warm foods improve your metabolism and overall digestion. If you’re trying to lose weight, this is one of the most important things you can do to start your day.

Although I like experimenting with a variety of smoothie recipes this is one of my favorites.

Warm fruit in coconut milk (frozen blueberries, raspberries, mango, pineapple or any fruit of your choice)

3 Tbsp. Organic Kelp protein powder

1/3 banana

large handful of organic salad greens

Mix up in a strong blender and you good to go!

Drink at room temperature or even slightly warm.

sperm builder

Sperm Quality – The New Frontier of Men’s Health

Boost Sperm Quality Naturally

It has been said, we must accept something before we can change it. This is definitely the case when discussing male sperm health.  When it comes to infertility, the focus is placed on women. Men are usually not included when we look at “conception” issues.

Maybe it’s a denial issue, or it feels “UN-manly” for men to seek treatment options when conception issues arise.  What most people have yet to understand is that about 40 to 60 percent of infertility problems today are linked to male-related factors.  What this means is for a couple to conceive, both the male and female have to be healthy. But, we need to come to grips with this new “normal” because compromised sperm health is more common than previously known.

Sperm health is determined by the quantity of sperm a man produces, the structure or morphology and the mobility of the sperm. Problems such as abnormal sperm size and shape, low sperm count, abnormal liquefaction and low motility are all categorized under male infertility. Research varies but some shows a 40% decrease in sperm quantity and quality in the past 50 years. The reasons for the decline are conjecture, but most researchers agree sperm are sensitive to environmental toxins, stress, diet and technology we are using daily. Male infertility and low sperm production can also be effected by genetics, age, testosterone production and testicular pathologies and emotions.

Reliable, long term research on male sperm counts do not exist, unfortunately.  However, in a recent study of British dogs, yes canine, over the last 26 years showed a drop of 1-2% of sperm motility yearly.  Why should we care about a study done on dogs? Declining canine fertility may shed light on human fertility. The importance of this study, is not just the 50% decline in canine sperm but researchers saw a clear connection between environmental chemicals affecting both humans and dogs. Even though male fertility research over the past few decades has shown a downward trend, “there has always been argument about the consistency and accuracy of the findings,” says Richard Lea of Nottingham University School of Veterinary Medicine and Science. Dr. Lea confirmed the presence of chemicals, ubiquitous to both humans and dogs as the link to the decline in sperm quality. Dogs live in our homes and are exposed to many of the same chemicals as humans.  “If you think about it, we are exposed to a [chemical] cocktail. Who knows how many chemicals are out there and what they are doing? It gets even more complicated when you start to look at the effects of mixtures of chemicals,” Dr. Lea said. Hopefully soon, we will have similar human studies measuring sperm health over several decades.

 male infertility boost sperm

The question you may be asking is; how can we help men improve infertility issues?

There are some excellent options beyond prescription medication.  Options to consider are lifestyle changes, (i.e. smoking) reducing exposure to toxins and incorporating  acupuncture and herbal medicines.  Alternative/Functional Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches always start by looking at the entire body and considering the root cause of the pathology. The Classic literature from TCM states: The experienced physician, will always consider the source.  (Li Zhongzi, A Primer of Medical Objectives (Yizong Bidu), 1637)  Therefore, when treat infertility one has to treat the whole body because only a healthy body can produce healthy sperm. TCM theory classifies a lack of sperm or a lack of healthy sperm into one or more possible diagnoses. The three primary diagnoses include:


Deficiency Syndrome

 In Western medicine terminology this would be dysfunction in the endocrine system. Men with low testosterone and excess estrogen fall under this diagnosis.


Stagnation Syndrome

 The sexual organs are functioning, hormone levels are normal but blood flow to the sexual organs is lacking. Men who experience soft erections or cannot maintain an erection or ejaculation would be categorized as having stagnation in TCM terms.


Heat Syndrome

This may be associated with an infection or inflammatory process and can produce abnormal semen quality. Enlarged prostates and sexually transmitted diseases are a few of the Western diagnoses that fall under this syndrome. Boxer shorts, not briefs would generally be a good suggestion for men in this category along with avoiding hot tubs and steam and sauna rooms.


We are certainly not the first generation to struggle with infertility. Chinese medicine texts tell us ancient cultures as far back as 200 AD. referenced treatments to help men and women conceive. Some TCM documents list treatment for infertility including complex Chinese herbal formulas often using fifteen herbs or more. Many of these formulas are still used today and include everything from the bark, leaves, root, fruits, seeds and flowers of various botanicals. One commonality found in these formulas is they often contain seeds of the plants. Considering sperm is a man’s seed, this makes perfect sense. The use of professionally prepared herbal medicine to treat male infertility is occurring worldwide. In Taiwan, through their National Health Insurance plan, citizens can receive Chinese herbs daily for every type of illness including infertility. While many fertility issues can be resolved through Chinese herbal medicine, often times the patients overall health improvement is the primary goal.


Lifestyle modifications should also be considered to keep sperm healthy and happy in our technology driven world. The use of laptop computers are often overlooked in men’s health discussions. Laptops emit radiation and heat and should not be on a man’s lap if he is trying to optimize his sperm health.  Laptops can be used on a table, not a lap. This is especially important for those men who fall under the category of “Heat Syndrome”.  Cell phones are another 21st century hazard. The risk is real for men who carry a phone in their front pant pocket all day, every day.  Dr. Davis, an award-winning scientist discusses the health risks and concerns associated with cell phones and sperm motility in her book Disconnect. According to Dr. Davis, “When using phones, distance is your friend, because radiation exposure falls off dramatically the farther away from the brain or body you use your phone,” Dr. Davis noted. “If you read the fine print warnings that come with all smart phones today they are quite clear, phones should not be used next to the brain or body, or kept in the pocket.”  Leg and arm bands are safer options for carrying cell phones.

Sperm awareness needs to be addressed in men’s health circles today. The number of men seeking treatment options is rising and reproductive issues are no longer just a “woman’s problem”.  Getting the correct diagnosis is critical but more importantly make sure you treat the whole individual. Herbal treatment, acupuncture and life style changes are excellent options and more common throughout Asia than the West.  Hopefully, men everywhere will begin considering these viable treatment options. Whichever type of treatment a man chooses, the journey begins with the acceptance that male infertility exists.

Chinese herbs organic

How Long Can You Last? The Test of Time

Chinese herbs Tong Ren TongIn the business world when economic times get tough a business that weathers the storm is a true survivor. A standout,  that must have incredibly popular products that make people come back for more even when unemployment is high and people are unwilling to spend. A business that survives  must have proven itself worthy of providing  great products at a fair price. Products that people simply can’t do without.  When a business does this for 70  to 100 years  or more we are all impressed. The stamina, the fortitude and adaptability to survive for so many years  must mean this business has some incredible products which we all crave.  Ford Motor Company  and Kodak  come to mind, some of the oldest American businesses.

But what do you think about a business that has survived providing the same products for 341 years?  It is truly unheard of in America. We have only been an independent nation for 240 years and no single business has survived since revolutionary days.  Yet, a Chinese herb pharmacy called Tong Ren Tong is still in business after 341 continuous years. They still sell Chinese herbs, just as they did in the year 1669.  In fact, in Beijing they operate from the same location since 1702!

They are a household name in China, Hong Kong and much of Asia. They operate pharmacies, drug retailers and various joint ventures throughout 13 countries in  Asia. Wouldn’t you be a household name if you were 345 years old?   The picture above is me standing in front of their Hong Kong store. (No pictures were allowed inside)


Tong Ren Tang was the supplier of medicinal Chinese herbs to the royals of the Qing Dynasty, from 1669 until their collapse  1911. They have succeed in weathering the storms of Chinese government takeovers, communism and now globalization and prescription medications. Tong Ren has been  successful  for hundreds of years because Chinese herbs work, it’s as simple as that.   Chinese herbs worked 300 hundred years ago and they work today for all kinds of illnesses. Whether your buying ginseng or reishi mushrooms Tong Ren has the herbs and they know how to prescribe them for everything from the common cold to cancer. 


When you have incredibly popular products that work well, are needed by the masses and provide real value at a fair price your business will survive regardless of the economic times and government takeovers. Chinese herbs have proven to be that commodity. Chinese herbs are medicine that continues to heal people, even centuries after they were first introduced.  



Happy Lunar New Year 2016

best Chinese herbs

Happy Lunar New Year.

The year of the Monkey is here and we love to celebrate with a sale.

Enjoy 15% OFF everything in our Chinese herb store for one week.

(ends 2/14/16)

At checkout use code: monkey16  (no caps)

Chinese herbs for sleep

Cannabis Talk at WHO Meeting, Worldwide Legal Goals

On November 16, 2015, in Geneva, Switzerland, patient using medical cannabis addressed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) in hopes of creating new policies regarding cannabis worldwide.

“The current international policies on cannabis are outdated and are having a detrimental impact on patients in the United States and worldwide,” says Steph Sherer, executive director of Americans for Safe Access (ASA) and representative of IMCPC. “New policies should take into account new clinical research, product safety protocols for cannabis cultivation, manufacturing, and distribution, and global patient needs.”

Millions of people worldwide are using legally using medical cannabis. Countries including Canada, Israel, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Croatia, Mexico, Uruguay, Romania, Germany, Jamaica, Australia, and Switzerland have medical cannabis programs and dozens of other countries are reviewing legislation.

See our Cannanabidiol Oil here

Continue reading “Cannabis Talk at WHO Meeting, Worldwide Legal Goals”

Prison Sentence For Diluted Herb and Vitamin Supplements Maker

deptofjusticesealA Press Release from the U.S. Justice Department, Office of Public Affairs on Wednesday, September 9, 2015  announced the owner of  a dietary supplement company is being sentenced to prison for a multi-million dollar scheme in which the company adulterate dietary supplements.

 Pleading guilty, the owner admitted that from at least 2009 through November 2013, that he instructed employees to add “fillers” to the vitamin/herbal supplements sold through his company Raw Deal Inc.  These “fillers” were added without customer consent or knowledge.  He also directed employees not to list the “fillers” as ingredients on certificates of analysis issued to its customers as proof of the identity of the ingredients contained in the products.

This topic is one that I have discussed in earlier blogs.  Since starting Pacific Herbs I’ve seen the inner workings of supplement manufacturers.  This announcement from the Justice Department is no surprise.  This company is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a LOT of adulteration happening in the supplement business.  There are a lot of unscrupulous types that choose to deceive the public about what’s in there products.  As a Licensed Health Practitioner first, Pacific Herbs products are a product line you can trust.  We do not add fillers or use solvents to make our concentrated granules.  See the inside of our manufacturing facility here and get the whole story.

U.S. District Court Judge Esther Salas of the District of New Jersey ordered a sentence of  40 months in prison and one year of supervised release. Steinlight was also ordered to forfeit $1 million in profits from his fraudulent scheme. Steinlight previously pleaded guilty to a one-count information charging him with conspiring to commit wire fraud.

“The Justice Department has increased its attention on supplement sellers who sell products that are not what they claim to be,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “We will investigate and prosecute companies and individuals that sell supplements that threaten the health of the American public and drain their bank accounts with misrepresented products.”

The “fillers,” adddd to the health supplements included maltodextrin, viobin cocoa replacer and rice flours, all sold to customers who thought they were buying a vitamin supplement. These “fillers” were added without customer consent or knowledge.

“Buyer Beware” has never been more important!  If you’re going to spend money on supplements,  know where they come from, who’s making them and who stands behind them.  It’s that simple.  There are many excellent companies out there, but the products are not sold at the big box stores.  Stop buying vitamin supplements and herbs full of fillers.  These products are a huge waste of money and they are out there.  This was not the only company doing this.  He just happened to get caught.

Only buy herb and vitamin supplements through your health practitioner or buy from a company that is completely transparent about it’s processing and sourcing.


Summer Kickoff Sale – 20% Off

Chinese herbal remedies

Pacific Herbs is celebrating summer

with a 72 hour – 20% OFF sale. (code: summer15)


Pacific Herbs Logo

Pacific Herbs has BIG NEWS!

We’re excited to share all our BIG NEWS.


During my recent trip to China I was lucky enough to be introduced


to an incredible Chinese doctor who saw a need for tested, pure, authentic

Chinese herbal medicine.  This incredible woman has won many distinguished awards

from the Chinese government and medical associations.


In the picture below I’m standing next to  Dr. Zhou.

I was incredibly honored and inspired to meet a revolutionary woman who’s DONE IT!

From a 12 year old farm worker with little or no education, to a distinguished Medical Doctor

and Chairman of the Board.

CEO TianJiang

Dr. Zhou Jialin’s dreamed this new Chinese herb pharmaceutical factory into existence. Her dream began 30 years ago and science and technology has made it a reality. The computer testing equipment alone costs millions.  I can honestly say I was blown away!  video here

Dr. Jialin’s integrity to produce the safest, cleanest herbal extracts has been vital to her success.
There is so much to tell, I hardly know where to begin. Our first video tour is ready. Watch it here!

You can see a pictures of the brand new, state-of-the-art facility on the

Pacific Herbs facebook page and at

She is a shining example of how a small dream can become a reality, helping millions.

She is truly an inspiration to us all, to BECOME our dreams and revolutionize health care.


Our other EXCITING announcements: New iSleep packaging has

arrived packed with tasty granules from TianJiang Pharmaceutical

and no unnecessary fillers.  Try it today!

(Same great taste with the same efficacy and formula as our previous package.)

Thank you for indulging me in a long news update.


Please feel free to pick up the phone if you have any questions on safe use of herbs.


Call me, I offer phone consults Noon- 5 PST  –  877-818-9990


Looking forward to helping you BE WELL and enjoy the summer.

Cathy Signature

Cathy Margolin L.Ac., Dipl. OM  – Founder of Pacific Herbs

Pacific Herbs Logo
P.S. Connect with us on Instagram: pacificherbs

P.S.S. Sale code is:  summer15   (no caps – no spaces) 


Chocolate Benefits More Than Our Taste Buds

Chocolate Benefits More Than Our Taste Buds

Chocolate can be irresistible!  Isn’t it ironic that chocolate has come to symbolize Valentine’s Day, a day we celebrate the heart, and chocolate is surprisingly beneficial for our hearts?    You may have heard studies say dark chocolate has flavanol which has attracted major interest as a non pharmaceutical option for high blood pressure.

The cacao bean (the source of all chocolate) is a natural remedy which has been used since ancient times for it’s  health benefits.  Only in recent years do we have the scientific research to support what so many people knew through the ages.  Native Aztec and Mayan people ate cacao nibs to relieve depression, help with asthma and some say they used it as a powerful aphrodisiac.  Chocoholic’s worldwide can rejoice now that studies prove the effects on lowering blood pressure and the beneficial antioxidants cacao contains. In fact, greater antioxidant capacity than red wine and blueberries, walnuts or artichokes according to the USDA.

The polyphenol known as flavanols in cocoa can help promote dilation of blood vessels and thereby reduce hypertension. The Cochrane International database  after investigating the effect of chocolate or cocoa on systolic an diastolic blood pressure concluded that chocolate faired better than a placebo at lowering blood pressure.

The best cacao is that which is minimally processed, therefore retaining the nutritional power which can be diminished through heat and processing.  As with Chinese herbs, chocolate is best unadulterated.  The fewer the fillers the better. Steer clear of milk chocolate and white chocolates. P.S. Cocoa butter doesn’t increase blood cholesterol, so eat up.