Stay Healthy As the Seasons Change, Try Some Chinese Herbs

health news, use Chinese herbs and Chinese medicine as the seasons change

As the weather begins to change and children return to school, colds and flu become prevalent once again.  Take a minute to adjust your diet and even add a Chinese herb or two to keep you healthy as the seasons change.  Here's a few suggestions for foods and herbs.  

Foods – Eat more cooked and fewer raw foods. Sour, astringent foods like lemon, lime, pickle, vitamin C, seaweed, and sourdough bread can all benefit your health. Enjoy spicy/pungent foods like onion, garlic, radish, horseradish, and cabbage. Hearty concentrated foods like root vegetables, soy products and barley are also foods for the Fall. Pumpkin, winter squash (I'll soon be posting a new recipe for winter squash soup), and sweet potato are all great choices. Almonds, apples, and pears (especially Asian apple pears) are beneficial to the respiratory system.

The Chinese herb know as Astragalus, or Huang Qi  is a Chinese herb that is often used to boost immunity and aid resistance to illness by increasing phagocytosis and your white blood cell count. Chinese research has shown it to have a protective effect against the common cold when taken consistently for two to eight weeks. Astragalus works best as a long-term preventive measure. It is best to take it as a tea through the cold and flu season to enhance immunity and prevent illness. For more information on Astragalus in an immune boosting soup,  check my previous post here.

Protect – As the weather changes, it is easy to catch colds and flus. Protect the back of your neck from the winds with a scarf or collar. Isn't this one of those duhh's…. but why do so many people ignore this?

A Story on The After Birth, How Valuable Is A Human Placenta?

Add some chinese herbs to your placenta and you have a nutritious feast.Ok,  this topic makes some heads turn.  I’m sitting at Starbucks talking about my friend who had her placenta cooked and dried and put into capsules after the birth of her baby.   My Starbucks neighbor started giving me strange looks.  Is it just me or if you’re going to eaves drop, is it polite to then give the person a crazy look?  I would have engage the fellow eaves dropper in a friendly conversation on the subject but he split after he heard this story.

So, here is the story.  In China and other parts of the world, the human placenta is considered a valuable source of  nutrients.  The placenta is that which feeds the baby during pregnancy and is otherwise known as “The After-Birth” because it is expelled from the uterus after a birth.  The first Emperor of China used human placenta with Chinese herbs for health reasons some 2200 years ago and it has been used and documented in various culture every since.  

Granted, most of us are not familiar with this concept and understandably it can turn some people’s stomachs. The topic came about because of this article in a Chinese newspaper about the selling of human placentas at some smaller Chinese hospitals. Of course, this is actually illegal. They have the same laws in China regarding the ownership of the placenta as we do here.  The mother is the legal owner but she usually gives up her right to it and in that case the hospital should dispose of  it as medical waste.   Well, entrepreneurs are everywhere and when opportunity knocks, they answer.  In China  some unscrupulous types were buying placentas cheap at various hospitals and selling them for profit, and apparently business is good, there is both a supply and a demand.

In America, some mothers do return home with their placenta’s in a cooler.  Some bury it in the yard for religious reasons other will have a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist (there really is such a profession) come to their house, cook it with Chinese herbs and pack it into capsules to supplement the new mothers health.

The preparation work and cooking of the placenta is quite a detailed process and should only be attempted by someone who has the proper training and knowledge.  Cooking the placenta with Chinese herbs is said to improve the blood building and is considered a powerful yang tonic.  The placenta is full of natural oxytocins which are responsible for contracting the uterus, enhancing milk supply, increasing energy and the hormones it contains most probably help with postpartum depression.  Historically Chinese Medicine has used human placenta for those who have low energy.

For you expectant mothers, I happen to know Sara Pereira in Los Angeles who is qualified specialist in placenta cooking with Chinese herbs.  You can reach her at, I definitely recommend it!

Another blog on the topic of human placenta, Tom Cruise on Oprah talked about eating Katie’s placenta.

Can A New Diabetes Drug Come From Chinese Herbs?

My friends father has diabetes, you also probably know someone dealing with excess body weight and a lack of exercise that has resulted in diabetes.  The numbers are staggering, something like 21 million people currently have diabetes or pre-diabetes. For some countries that would be the entire population and then some.  Scientist are studying just about ever possible angle to discover new drugs to improve insulin levels for diabetics. This recent research published in the British Journal of Pharmacology studies various Chinese herbs. 

“If repeated in humans, all of these changes would be beneficial for people affected by type 2 diabetes or other metabolic diseases associated with insulin resistance,” says lead author Dr Ying Leng, who works in the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, China.  Many countries have used herbal medicine much longer than America.  When it comes to the use of Chinese herbs and herbal medicine in fact, in both Germany and Japan, herbs and herbal formulas are only prescribed by doctors.  Hmm, why don’t we have this? That’s certainly another blog, back to diabetes.  

“Our work showed that this natural extract from Chinese herbs could point the way to a new way of helping people with type 2 diabetes as well as other metabolic disorders.” says Dr Leng.  There are already many Chinese herb formulas that improve digestion and can help with over eating. Check out Sugar Control Herb Pack here.  

See the study here:

Holy Hormones – Evidence Shows How Menstrual Cramps Effect Women’s Brains

Often, menstrual pain and cramps are not taken seriously. But here at Pack Herbs we take them very seriously, as do a group of researchers at the University of Taipei.  These researchers from Taiwan have made international news.  Using highly specialized brain scanners the researchers found the anatomy of the female brain changed as a result of painful menstrual cramps.  If fact, even if women did not have cramps at the time of the brain scans, yet had experienced moderate to severe cramps on a regular basis for years, scans still showed their brains gray matter had abnormalities.  Yes, abnormalities!  This is the first documented evidence of it’s type. This research proves the monthly misery of menstrual cramps have serious lasting side effects, similar to the effects of people who deal with chronic pain issues. This research is published in the Sept. 2010 issue of PAIN.

“A long-term bombardment by peripheral pain can elicit plastic changes in the central brain as a reactive adaptation,” Hsieh explained. “It can also be a crucial mechanism that perpetuates the ‘chronification’ of pain” — that is, a mechanism that can turn pain into a lingering affliction, says  Dr. Jen-Chuen Hsieh, a professor of neuroscience at the Institute of Brain Science at National Yang-Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan, and lead researcher.  Previously, the researches found PET brain scans also showed differences in brain activity.

Menstrual cramps, or pain in the lower abdomen occur when the uterus contracts during menstruation.  Cramps are one of the most common gynecological disorder in women of childbearing age. As a woman who has been through some pretty painful menstrual cramps in my life, I found Chinese herbs can eliminate monthly suffering and I wanted to share it with others. This is the reason I gave birth to PMS Relief Herb Pack.  (Not a traditional birth, but a birthing of sorts.)

Whether you experience the moodiness, cramps, backaches, bloating, breast tenderness or all of the above, PMS Relief will work for you.  It’s packed with 14 herbs (a dried powder extraction) which has been used through-out Asia for centuries.  Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, our herbal blend of Chinese herbs (not Western herbs) is nothing like what’s been on the American market before.  One packet mixed in water is all you need to start feeling the immediate relief.   Most women use a packet the day before their cycle starts and then a packet or two on their worst cramping days. Did I mention it’s all natural herbs, nothing artificial added and it taste good too.   

Do your brain and your body a favor and give PMS Relief a try.  There is really no reason to suffer any longer. Chinese herbs have the longest continual use history of any medicine on earth. What are you waiting for, an abnormal brain to develop?

Connect to a Australian study:  549 women had documented results on the severity of PMS using Chinese herbs. By restoring the imbalance in the reproductive system, Chinese herbal medicine can prevent monthly menstrual cramps, depression, PMS, and abdominal pain.

Read the abstract here:




Chemo Side Effects Reduced With Chinese Herbs, Says Yale

Chemo patients helped with Chinese herbsThis remarkable research conducted at Yale University is incredible news for Americans.  Asian societies, on the other hand, have used these Chinese herbs for generations and understand that boiling peony root, with licorice root, red dates and skullcap root can help the gastro-intestinal tract especially when one is suffering from diarrhea.

The recently announced research proved a drug made from four traditional Chinese herbs, dubbed PHY906, countered the side effects of chemo in rats.  The researchers decided to give the mice, who were on a chemotherapy drug which has side effects of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, this blend of natural herbs.   Not only did the four Chinese herbs improve the mices symptoms of diarrhea but it simultaneously cut the cancerous tumors growth.

 “This combination of chemotherapy and herbs represents a marriage of Western and Eastern approaches,” said lead researcher Dr. Yung-Chi Cheng.

A study such as this and so many others, are slowly beginning to open up American minds to the incredible health benefits of Chinese herbs. I found it interesting to listen to the interview with Dr. Cheng. He states that the four herbs must be used in combination and cooked together.  Used individually, they did not perform the same function. He says, “deletion of any of those herbs, you have a different impact on three biological endpoints.”  This is exactly what Chinese medicine textbooks have told us for years. It is the combination of herbs cooked together that create the synergy and provide the valuable healing medicinal action.

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has become a core component in  treating cancer patients. Diarrhea is one of the major side effects of the cancer drug irinotecan.  According to  Dr. Yung-Chi Cheng this herbal remedy is based on the formula which was first established 1,800 years ago and is also known as Huang Qin Tang. It was historically used and still is used today for treatment of diarrhea and GI disorder[s].  The popularity of natural herbal medicine has been expanding each year in America as more studies like this are published.

Discover All Things Chinese in San Francisco

The Buddha represents Chinese Art & Chinese Medicine What is a mega Buddha monument doing in the middle of San Francisco?  Apparently San Francisco city officials wanted to underscore the bond between Shanghai, China and San Francisco, two cities of art and culture. I love discovering all things Chinese in America.  The Buddha is pretty much impossible to miss if you are near the Civic Center. (My husband and I are the tourists in front.) I would say if you have ever been to San Francisco you know that Chinese culture has been part of  the "City by the Bay" since it's inception.  What I enjoy most about San Francisco  is walking through China town and feeling like I'm in China without the 17 hour plane ride.  From the great deals on pearls to the cooked ducks hanging in restaurant windows you can see a little of everything Chinese just a few blocks away from the mega Buddha.

If you are ever curious what an herb shop or traditional Chinese herb pharmacy looks like in China, check out Stockton street in San Fran. The picture below is pretty good representation from store to store.   You'll find every strange root, dried fish and plenty of red shiny bottles labeled only in Chinese. This is the traditional medicine of China and that which millions of people rely on daily for their coughs, colds and aches and pains.  The same herbs that have been used continuously for generations.  If you have never purchased Chinese herbs before this may not be the place to start unless you speak the language.  It can be a bit intimidating since pretty much everything is labeled in Chinese. 

Chinese herbs have been used for centuries.

One last note on the mega Buddha,“Three Heads Six Arms reflects the changing realities of Chinese people today and also reflects the attitude that humankind has conquered nature and even reflects deeds of volition and hope,” said Zhang, the artist who created the colossal bronze sculpture.  It's definitely worth a drop by if your in the area, as are the Chinese herbal pharmacies.

Herbal Supplements Can Be Potentially Dangerous, U.S. Study

Chamomile a safe Chinese herb unless grown with pesticidesMercury, lead, and arsenic, oh my!  Seriously folks, what’s in your herbal supplements? Whether they are Chinese herbs or Western herbs or a blend of both you should know.  A perfectly safe herb like chamomile in this picture can be terribly harmful if grown with pesticides.  A government study on contaminants in herbal dietary supplements found lots more than the three dangerous toxins mentioned above.  Gregory Kutz, Managing Director Forensic Audits and Special Investigations in his report given to the U.S. Senate,  “Special Committee on Aging”  in May 2010  (can you believe there is really such a committee), found high amounts of  cadmium, and residues from organichlorine and organophosphorous pesticides. “These contaminants were selected based on prevalence and the likelihood of negative health consequences as a result of consumption.”  Guess what, heavy metals and toxins do cause negative health consequences.              

It all started when the GAO office of the U.S. government  purchased 40 unique single-ingredient herbal supplement products from 40 different manufacturers and submitted them to an accredited laboratory for analysis. The  government survey identified the most commonly used herbs among the elderly as chamomile, echinacea, garlic, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, peppermint, saw palmetto, and St. John’s wort and then purchased these Chinese herb and Western herb products.  As part of their investigation they had the herbs analyzed at independent laboratories.  What’s crazy, is not what the test showed about the supplements but that pesticide residue is not considered by the Food and Drug Administration, to be of regulatory significance.  In other words, your herbal supplements can be contaminated with all kinds of pesticides and still be legally sold in the U.S. for health benefits.

Who’s products do you buy? Do your homework and know whether your supplement manufacturer is testing products for dangerous pesticides and heavy metals like arsenic, lead and mercury.  I, like you, want to know my herbs come from the cleanest possible sources and are not contaminated with chemicals before I ingest them.

A little secret.  Pacific Herbs products are some of the most tested herbs in the industry.  Check out our manufacturer for more information on all the testing they perform before raw herbs can be considered for processing

It’s not, A Chinese Herb for Weight Loss

Chinese herb bitter orange for weight loss and digestionI am often asked, "What's a good herb for weight loss?"  Ever since ephedra was banned it seems people have wanted a substitute.  Lately, one Chinese herb in particular is showing up in a lot of weight loss supplements.  That herb is unripe bitter orange.  Although it is not ephedra (ma huang), is does contain a similar chemical to the ephedrin called synephrine. 

Bitter orange  refers to the peel of a particular specie of unripe orange and has been used in Chinese herbal medicine for centuries.  Also known around the world as citrus aurantium  it's a native of the Far East and grows well in most warm climates.  Unripe bitter orange is part of the Chinese herb pharmacopeia and has been used in Chinese cuisine, fragrance and medicine for over 2000 years.  

The medicinal part of the bitter orange seems to get all the attention these days.  It has digestive effects and carminative effects, meaning it can help prevent gas formation in the intestines.

The active property of unripe bitter orange that are so desirable for those seeking a weight loss supplement is the synephrine.   This alkaloids appears in slightly higher quantities in the unripe fruit than in the ripe bitter orange.  Today many weight loss supplements are including varying amounts of bitter orange peel extract for it's synephrine value to hopefully increase metabolism which may help a person lose weight.

However, if you are looking for herbs for weight loss this is not the magic bullet.  There have been some reports that taking unripe bitter orange is conjunction with caffeine, mate and other stimulants can cause cardiotoxicity, increased blood pressure and increased anxiousness. Sounds like a bad combination to me and I would stay clear of supplements combining these stimulants.

Unripe bitter orange was never used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for weight loss but it was used and still is used to help improve digestion and to move the Qi or energy, help unblock the bowels, and it has been used to raise blood pressure. But like most Chinese herbs, its use is magnified when paired with other herbs in a set formula with proven time tested benefits.    Funny how an old Chinese herb is new again.

Some Farmers Markets Have the Chinese Herb Da Zao

I love the Farmers Markets near me.  The Los Angeles area has a different Farmers Market everyday of the week.  Lately I've found red dates at the market, they're called da zao or fructus jujubae in Chinese Medicine.   They taste a little sweet fresh but when dried the sugar content seems much more concentrated.  A little like the difference between fresh grapes and dried raisins. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the red date is used to tonify  or strengthen the Qi (energy).  Tonic herbs such as ginseng and red date can be eaten daily to boost immunity strengthen the a persons constitution and improve overall health.  Red date can tonify the blood, which means it can help organs such as the liver and spleen do their jobs better.   To receive the maximum health benefits from red dates you would need to eat  3-12 pieces of fruit a day or use it in pill or powder from that has the active constituents extracted and then packed into powders that offer a high dosage.  Although, in Chinese Medicine it is not recommended as a single herb remedy.

Da Zao has some sedative effects on the central nervous system.  We included it in our iSleep Herb Pac for this very reason.  It also helps give iSleep a pleasantly sweet taste.  It has been an herb used in cooking because of it's sweet flavor.  It is used in many receipies because it's  known to promote digestive functions.  Chinese herb formulas often add da zao and ginger  together  to increase the absorption of herbs when taken in an herb formula. Don't over look this little fruit if you see it in the farmers markets.   I usually buy it dried at the Asian markets near me, but its nice to eat it fresh every now and then.

Natural Alternatives to Birth Control Pills for PMS

Natural remedies to PMS and period crampsMany young women are looking for a natural alternative to birth control pills for the PMS and cramps they get each month.  Chinese herbs are very effective at controlling and eliminating PMS (premenstrual syndrome).  The birth control pill is an option many women choose because they are not familiar with Chinese herbal medicine.

The approach I take is very different than the way progesterone and estrogen therapy found in the “Pill”.  Chinese Medicine can treat PMS and cramps successfully without artificial hormones.

Chinese Medicine recognizes that the liver is an organ that not just cleans blood but also moves blood.  When the liver is overly taxed by stress, lack of sleep, drugs or accumulation of chemicals (including hormones found in our food supply) the liver energy can become stagnate.   This stagnation effects the breasts, the uterus and eventually all the channels of the body because the liver cannot effectively perform it’s functions.

PMS results because the liver energy and the liver blood are not moving.  Breast tenderness occurs because the liver channel energy runs through the breast area and up to the head which may also result in headaches.  If the liver is given an opportunity to “detoxify” this can help move the liver Qi or energy.

Chinese herbs treat this stagnation with herbs that help move the blood, help normalize hormones and herbs that help reduce the liver Qi stagnation.   By moving the liver energy, the emotional component of PMS such as moodiness and irritability are resolved. This may seem foreign to Americans, but is a common practice of the Chinese.

Chinese herbal formulas for PMS symptoms date back to over 1000 years ago.  This is a remarkable testament to their popularity and to their success. We have many modern day clinical studies that  have been done on Chinese herbs for PMS, click here to read about the largest one conducted on over 3000 women.

Herbal remedies are safe and can provide complete cures for menstrual symptoms.  Symptoms will reduce immediatly and often resolve completely within a few months. A formula used by many women in China is call Jia Wei Xiao Yao San. Today it is found in every drug store in pill form or individual herbal packets throughout Asia.   Many people in China prefer the packets because it’s potency is much stronger than pills.  We don’t yet have these herbs in every drug store in America, but we are sure the American drug stores will catch on soon.  For our favorite PMS Relief product go here.

Dietary Supplements and Chinese Herbs are Still Safe, Access Untouched

Did you hear the Dis-Honorable Henry Waxman (D, CA) Congressman,   tried in earnest to attach wording to the current finance bill in congress that would have given the  Federal Trade Commission (FTC) expanded powers to restrict access to dietary supplements including herbal supplements and Chinese herbs.   

As Fox News reported it was "The Congressional Equivalent of Isner v. Mahut".

The deliberations were nearly as long as the just completed  Isner v. Mahut Wimbledon tennis match. The match now holds the world record for the longest tennis match in the history.

Waxman also had the powerful support of Congressman Barney Frank (D,MA.) Barney Frank closed the conference committee at 5:39 am Friday morning, June 25th after all day and all night deliberations.  Millions of Americans depend on supplements and this was a great win for Alternative Medicine and Chinese herbs. The bill will now be submitted to the House and Senate without language that would have limited access to supplements.  For now anyway, dietary supplements are still available and herbs will still be on the store shelves. 

Europe however, is battling for it's herbs and supplements to remain free, we shall see what the outcome will be across the pond in the very near future.

CAUTION ADVISED When using Acetaminophen, Herbs are a safer alternative

Usually I write about Chinese herbs, but today’s a brief diversion on a compelling topic.Herbs are safer alternative to OTC medicines

If you’re like most Americans your medicine cabinet is stocked full of over-the-counter medicine (OTC) and probably at least a few prescription medications. But did you know that taking OTC acetaminophen can be poisonous and can cause serious liver damage.  UCLA experts warn that combining many pharmaceutical drugs such as vicodin and percocet for pain with an OTC cold and flu medicine can be a deadly liver cocktail.  New data is just surfacing because liver transplants are hitting an all time high in the U.S. Turns out the number one cause of liver damage  is acetaminophen poisoning from long term overdosing. 

We know you didn’t mean to overdose but did you realize more than two extra strength tablets or 650 milligrams daily is the U.S. FDA recommended dose? This lower and safer dosage was recommended by the FDA’s own advisory board in June 2009, but this recommendation has yet to be acted on as of this publishing date.

Are you using Tylenol®PM as a  sleep aid or Tylenol® extra strength for menstrual cramps? You may be causing liver damage. It’s seems negligent of the manufacturers to withhold this information, it certainly has not been widely publicized.  Labeling laws have been slightly modified (if you read the extra small print on packages) but you are not going to hear this information on TV or a radio commercial.

If your prescription drugs have the abbreviation “APAP” on the label, the medicine contains acetaminophen, and may cause liver damage. (But not all drugs are marked so check with you pharmacist.)  If your taking any combination of over-the-counter drugs and prescription drugs containing acetaminophen, you may cause liver damage. If you add alcohol to this mix you are certain to cause liver damage and your poor liver will need to check into a rehab facility for some serious down time. 

Not to be flippant about the very serious side effects of acetaminophen but if you combine any OTC sinus caplet, cold and flu formula, a pain reliever, Sudafed®, Excedrin®, Tylenol®, Pamprin®, Benadryl®, Premsyn®, CVS® decongestant, Eckerd® Pain relief, Thera flu ®cold packets, Vicks® DayQuil or NyQuil, arthritis pain relief caplets (just to name a few) together on any given day your most likely going over the recommended/safe zone for acetaminophen. You guessed it, more liver damage.

Take a vacation from the OTC medicines and get yourself some all natural 100% safe Chinese herbs. You’ll feel better and your liver will thank you.