Can A New Diabetes Drug Come From Chinese Herbs?

My friends father has diabetes, you also probably know someone dealing with excess body weight and a lack of exercise that has resulted in diabetes.  The numbers are staggering, something like 21 million people currently have diabetes or pre-diabetes. For some countries that would be the entire population and then some.  Scientist are studying just about ever possible angle to discover new drugs to improve insulin levels for diabetics. This recent research published in the British Journal of Pharmacology studies various Chinese herbs. 

“If repeated in humans, all of these changes would be beneficial for people affected by type 2 diabetes or other metabolic diseases associated with insulin resistance,” says lead author Dr Ying Leng, who works in the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, China.  Many countries have used herbal medicine much longer than America.  When it comes to the use of Chinese herbs and herbal medicine in fact, in both Germany and Japan, herbs and herbal formulas are only prescribed by doctors.  Hmm, why don’t we have this? That’s certainly another blog, back to diabetes.  

“Our work showed that this natural extract from Chinese herbs could point the way to a new way of helping people with type 2 diabetes as well as other metabolic disorders.” says Dr Leng.  There are already many Chinese herb formulas that improve digestion and can help with over eating. Check out Sugar Control Herb Pack here.  

See the study here:

Cinnamon Reduces Blood Sugar for the Overweight and Diabetic

More proof on the healing power of Chinese herbs. This herb is in nearly every American household spice rack and yet most Americans have no idea of its many medical uses.  I’m talking about cinnamon. You sprinkle it on your latte and your apple pie. Now you may want to consider drinking a cup of cinnamon tea. 

This study conducted at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland concluded that cinnamon can help those who are overweight and obese improve their fasting glucose.  This is great news for the millions of Americans who are tipping the scales and have either pre-diabetes or are currently diabetic. 

The herb/spice/botanical comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for generations. It is considered GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by most Western doctors. The study used a cinnamon extract tea (cinnamon boiled in water) for12 weeks and found substantial benefits to the participants in the study who reduced  their risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. (The also found benefits after just 6 weeks.)

But don’t start drinking loads of plain old cinnamon tea if you are looking for the same benefit. There are many different grades of cinnamon and preparation of the bark is central to preserving its natural antioxidant qualities.  Herbalists and Acupuncturists usually use either capsules or granule form.  This is a highly concentrated extract, cooked under a precise temperature for a precise amount of time. Often special equipment is used to capture the volatile oils of the cinnamon bark and reintroduce those oils back into the finished extract. This is essential because cinnamon is extremely aromatic and cooking the bark for too long without proper equipment will leave you with an ineffective tea.

Cinnamon has been recorded as part of Chinese herb formula combinations as far back as 200 AD.  It is in over 45 common formulations and its main purpose is usually to warm the body.  Cinnamon bark and twig may both be used, usually in very small amounts, between 3-9 grams daily. It is not uncommon to use cinnamon for the common cold, to help unblock cold mucus. Cinnamon is not recommended for those with a hot constitution in Traditional Chinese Medicine because of the herbs warming properties. 

Personally, I'm happy to see any Chinese herb get into the Western spotlight because every time a Western medical establishment focuses on a Chinese herb the knowledge gained proves what Asian cultures have been practicing for over two thousand years.  Botanicals are huge sources of natural healing compounds. 

Connect to the study here

Holy Hormones – Evidence Shows How Menstrual Cramps Effect Women’s Brains

Often, menstrual pain and cramps are not taken seriously. But here at Pack Herbs we take them very seriously, as do a group of researchers at the University of Taipei.  These researchers from Taiwan have made international news.  Using highly specialized brain scanners the researchers found the anatomy of the female brain changed as a result of painful menstrual cramps.  If fact, even if women did not have cramps at the time of the brain scans, yet had experienced moderate to severe cramps on a regular basis for years, scans still showed their brains gray matter had abnormalities.  Yes, abnormalities!  This is the first documented evidence of it’s type. This research proves the monthly misery of menstrual cramps have serious lasting side effects, similar to the effects of people who deal with chronic pain issues. This research is published in the Sept. 2010 issue of PAIN.

“A long-term bombardment by peripheral pain can elicit plastic changes in the central brain as a reactive adaptation,” Hsieh explained. “It can also be a crucial mechanism that perpetuates the ‘chronification’ of pain” — that is, a mechanism that can turn pain into a lingering affliction, says  Dr. Jen-Chuen Hsieh, a professor of neuroscience at the Institute of Brain Science at National Yang-Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan, and lead researcher.  Previously, the researches found PET brain scans also showed differences in brain activity.

Menstrual cramps, or pain in the lower abdomen occur when the uterus contracts during menstruation.  Cramps are one of the most common gynecological disorder in women of childbearing age. As a woman who has been through some pretty painful menstrual cramps in my life, I found Chinese herbs can eliminate monthly suffering and I wanted to share it with others. This is the reason I gave birth to PMS Relief Herb Pack.  (Not a traditional birth, but a birthing of sorts.)

Whether you experience the moodiness, cramps, backaches, bloating, breast tenderness or all of the above, PMS Relief will work for you.  It’s packed with 14 herbs (a dried powder extraction) which has been used through-out Asia for centuries.  Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, our herbal blend of Chinese herbs (not Western herbs) is nothing like what’s been on the American market before.  One packet mixed in water is all you need to start feeling the immediate relief.   Most women use a packet the day before their cycle starts and then a packet or two on their worst cramping days. Did I mention it’s all natural herbs, nothing artificial added and it taste good too.   

Do your brain and your body a favor and give PMS Relief a try.  There is really no reason to suffer any longer. Chinese herbs have the longest continual use history of any medicine on earth. What are you waiting for, an abnormal brain to develop?

Connect to a Australian study:  549 women had documented results on the severity of PMS using Chinese herbs. By restoring the imbalance in the reproductive system, Chinese herbal medicine can prevent monthly menstrual cramps, depression, PMS, and abdominal pain.

Read the abstract here:




Chemo Side Effects Reduced With Chinese Herbs, Says Yale

Chemo patients helped with Chinese herbsThis remarkable research conducted at Yale University is incredible news for Americans.  Asian societies, on the other hand, have used these Chinese herbs for generations and understand that boiling peony root, with licorice root, red dates and skullcap root can help the gastro-intestinal tract especially when one is suffering from diarrhea.

The recently announced research proved a drug made from four traditional Chinese herbs, dubbed PHY906, countered the side effects of chemo in rats.  The researchers decided to give the mice, who were on a chemotherapy drug which has side effects of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, this blend of natural herbs.   Not only did the four Chinese herbs improve the mices symptoms of diarrhea but it simultaneously cut the cancerous tumors growth.

 “This combination of chemotherapy and herbs represents a marriage of Western and Eastern approaches,” said lead researcher Dr. Yung-Chi Cheng.

A study such as this and so many others, are slowly beginning to open up American minds to the incredible health benefits of Chinese herbs. I found it interesting to listen to the interview with Dr. Cheng. He states that the four herbs must be used in combination and cooked together.  Used individually, they did not perform the same function. He says, “deletion of any of those herbs, you have a different impact on three biological endpoints.”  This is exactly what Chinese medicine textbooks have told us for years. It is the combination of herbs cooked together that create the synergy and provide the valuable healing medicinal action.

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has become a core component in  treating cancer patients. Diarrhea is one of the major side effects of the cancer drug irinotecan.  According to  Dr. Yung-Chi Cheng this herbal remedy is based on the formula which was first established 1,800 years ago and is also known as Huang Qin Tang. It was historically used and still is used today for treatment of diarrhea and GI disorder[s].  The popularity of natural herbal medicine has been expanding each year in America as more studies like this are published.

Discover All Things Chinese in San Francisco

The Buddha represents Chinese Art & Chinese Medicine What is a mega Buddha monument doing in the middle of San Francisco?  Apparently San Francisco city officials wanted to underscore the bond between Shanghai, China and San Francisco, two cities of art and culture. I love discovering all things Chinese in America.  The Buddha is pretty much impossible to miss if you are near the Civic Center. (My husband and I are the tourists in front.) I would say if you have ever been to San Francisco you know that Chinese culture has been part of  the "City by the Bay" since it's inception.  What I enjoy most about San Francisco  is walking through China town and feeling like I'm in China without the 17 hour plane ride.  From the great deals on pearls to the cooked ducks hanging in restaurant windows you can see a little of everything Chinese just a few blocks away from the mega Buddha.

If you are ever curious what an herb shop or traditional Chinese herb pharmacy looks like in China, check out Stockton street in San Fran. The picture below is pretty good representation from store to store.   You'll find every strange root, dried fish and plenty of red shiny bottles labeled only in Chinese. This is the traditional medicine of China and that which millions of people rely on daily for their coughs, colds and aches and pains.  The same herbs that have been used continuously for generations.  If you have never purchased Chinese herbs before this may not be the place to start unless you speak the language.  It can be a bit intimidating since pretty much everything is labeled in Chinese. 

Chinese herbs have been used for centuries.

One last note on the mega Buddha,“Three Heads Six Arms reflects the changing realities of Chinese people today and also reflects the attitude that humankind has conquered nature and even reflects deeds of volition and hope,” said Zhang, the artist who created the colossal bronze sculpture.  It's definitely worth a drop by if your in the area, as are the Chinese herbal pharmacies.

Insomnia Thoughts, Chinese Herbs Will Change Your Mind

Natural sleep aids like Chinese herbs work bestTip of the day:  The best treatment for insomnia according to researchers is to change your thought patterns.   Once you change your thoughts your behavior will follow. You see, what you think is what you get.  So it makes sense that insomnia really is, all in the mind. 

 Hint:  If you need a kick start to change your mind set without hitting the heavy prescription sleep aids, try our iSleep Herb Pac.  It contains nine herbs and is based on an ancient Chinese herbal formula called Suan Zao Ren Tang.  Famous minds have used Chinese herbs to help them calm their busy brains and induce a restful night of sleep for centuries. Nothing new under the sun here. Just natural substances found in plants, working together to help reduce stress and calm your head.  It will work for you too, without addiction or side-effects.    

By Jan Yager, Ph.D.

You’ve heard that expression, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Well, it turns out that getting enough sleep, and other kinds of rest, just might postpone when your death occurs as well as increase the effectiveness and joyfulness of your life.

Consider this: the Nurses’ Health Study conducted by Harvard University found that getting too little sleep is linked to a greater risk of getting breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Furthermore, sleep deprivation causes drowsy driving which can lead to accident fatalities. As reported by The National Sleep Foundation at their website devoted to drowsy driving, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 1,500 deaths and 71,000 injuries are caused annually because of falling asleep at the wheel.

In another study, a review of information about 28,000 children and 15,000 adults found that too little sleep doubled the chances of being obese. Obesity has, in turn, been linked to a variety of life-threatening illnesses including sleep apnea, a condition in which we stop breathing during sleep. As pointed out in “Sleep Apnea Tied to Increased Risk of Stroke,” especially for men over the age of 40, having sleep apnea more than doubles their potential for a stoke.

Preventing an early death or decreasing the likelihood you will become obese aren’t the only reasons we need to get enough sleep and rest. We also need it so we can be alert at work, making it less likely that we’ll make mistakes, have accidents, or fall asleep during meetings, which could embarrass you or, worse, get you fired. Also, too little sleep can increase someone’s tendency to fly off the handle or to be overly emotional, reduce memory retention and increase depression. Simply put, too little sleep reduces the overall quality of our lives.

Read more:

It’s not, A Chinese Herb for Weight Loss

Chinese herb bitter orange for weight loss and digestionI am often asked, "What's a good herb for weight loss?"  Ever since ephedra was banned it seems people have wanted a substitute.  Lately, one Chinese herb in particular is showing up in a lot of weight loss supplements.  That herb is unripe bitter orange.  Although it is not ephedra (ma huang), is does contain a similar chemical to the ephedrin called synephrine. 

Bitter orange  refers to the peel of a particular specie of unripe orange and has been used in Chinese herbal medicine for centuries.  Also known around the world as citrus aurantium  it's a native of the Far East and grows well in most warm climates.  Unripe bitter orange is part of the Chinese herb pharmacopeia and has been used in Chinese cuisine, fragrance and medicine for over 2000 years.  

The medicinal part of the bitter orange seems to get all the attention these days.  It has digestive effects and carminative effects, meaning it can help prevent gas formation in the intestines.

The active property of unripe bitter orange that are so desirable for those seeking a weight loss supplement is the synephrine.   This alkaloids appears in slightly higher quantities in the unripe fruit than in the ripe bitter orange.  Today many weight loss supplements are including varying amounts of bitter orange peel extract for it's synephrine value to hopefully increase metabolism which may help a person lose weight.

However, if you are looking for herbs for weight loss this is not the magic bullet.  There have been some reports that taking unripe bitter orange is conjunction with caffeine, mate and other stimulants can cause cardiotoxicity, increased blood pressure and increased anxiousness. Sounds like a bad combination to me and I would stay clear of supplements combining these stimulants.

Unripe bitter orange was never used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for weight loss but it was used and still is used to help improve digestion and to move the Qi or energy, help unblock the bowels, and it has been used to raise blood pressure. But like most Chinese herbs, its use is magnified when paired with other herbs in a set formula with proven time tested benefits.    Funny how an old Chinese herb is new again.

Natural Sleep Aid Tip for Children, Try Lavender

From time to time I get calls asking if children can take iSleep Herb Pac.  While the herbs in the Pac Herbs product iSleep, are completely safe for children (adjusted to child's weight) on principal alone  I  do not recommend sleep aids for children.  The reason for this, and I am referring to approximate age of 13 and under, is generally speaking children our very healthy and should not have problems sleeping. 

Although it is not uncommon for teens to have sleep disorders usually due to stress, children younger than 10 normally will only have an occasional bad dream that wakes them and falling asleep is completely related to the amount of exercise they have done on any given day.   If your adolescent is having sleep problems, you must figure out the source of the stress that is keeping him or her from a good nights sleep.  Providing a sleep aid pill will only exasperate the problem as they mature.

So what do you do when you are frazzled and tired of your rambunctious eight year old's bedtime getting later and later as a result of long summer days and the lack of a school routine?  Here's a suggestion for young children that is a completely natural sleep aid.

Use lavender essential oil, as little as two drops in a warm bath will relax those little wide eyed monsters and settle their spirits.  If they are not taking a bath the same two drops on their pillow will have a similar effect.    Another possibility,  take one drop of lavender essential oil and rub it in at a spot near the back of each ear lobe, (start at the back of the ear lobe and add two finger widths toward the back of head.) Rub a drop of lavender essential oil in the area to relax.  This spot is used in Chinese medicine and acupuncture to calm the CNS. It's name Anmian,  translated means peaceful sleep.

Lavender is a gentle, safe and effective sleep aid for children (and adults) with no habit forming tendencies.  Except of course, they may become so accustomed to the scent they will not want to fall asleep without it.   Don't worry, it is not terribly expensive.  I am always grateful for a good nights sleep and I been known to carry a small bottle of lavender oil with me when traveling. I love everything about lavender, the name, the color growing in my yard, and especially the smell.  It has a wonderfully calming scent with a gentle action of  soothing nerves, perfect for both children and pregnant women as a natural sleep remedy.


Pac Herbs reserves all rights. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. All material in this article is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise, or other health program.

Tiger Woods May Want to Check Out a Non-Prescription Sleep Aid

I not really much for celebrity gossip but tabloids are reporting Tiger Woods texted his friend Rachel saying “I feel like taking pills is my only alternative” for sleep.  No doubt Tiger has been on the high stress life style for many years.  Fame and fortune do have a price and like millions of people, it’s easy to feel the only way to get a good nights sleep is with the help of a prescription drug.

Would somebody please pass him an  iSleep Herb Pack before he lands in rehab, or pass on an address and I will be happy to send him some.  Poor guy, somebody tell him Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to calm the mind and provide a peaceful, non-addictive way to fall asleep. I  actually feel terrible for anyone who must rely on prescription sleep aids.  It’s a terrible cycle to get into and one that is even harder to break and here is why Tiger should be shining this year.

Fast Facts About Tigers from Jennifer Dubowski, L.Ac.

Are you a Tiger?

You are if you were born in: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, or 1998.

The Tiger symbolizes character traits such as bravery, competitiveness and unpredictability. This courageous and fiery fighter was admired by the ancient Chinese as the zodiac sign that kept away the three main tragedies of a household: fire; thieves; and ghosts. The Tiger has other strong qualities and is: a natural leader; generous, intelligent and always alert. Tigers love to be the center of attention and are very charming, although they have a slight tendency to be selfish. Just as their jungle counterparts rely on instinct, so do individuals born in the Chinese Year of the Tiger. The best jobs for Tigers are those that will lead them towards positions of leadership. Tigers make interesting partners – they are creative, passionate and will never bore their mates. They’re expressive, polite and trustworthy, but watch out. Partners need to have a high energy level and a sense of adventure to keep up with a Tiger.

Celebrities born under the sign of the Tiger include: Emily Bronte, Leonardo DiCaprio, Karl Marx, Marilyn Monroe, Marco Polo and Queen Elizabeth II.

Those individuals born in the Year of the Tiger are compatible with the Chinese astrological signs of Horse, Dog, and Dragons. They are incompatible with Goat and Ox.

Colors are Green, Purple



No Chinese Herbs, Just Gratitude

I wanted to post something different, something completely off  the topic of Chinese herbal medicine.  Sometimes life is just short and passing us by and without a little gratitude we forget how good life can really be. And not every blog needs to always talk about Chinese herbs, everyday.

So here’s a thought… If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world.  To feel even more grateful read the rest below.

Thanks and credit to Jason Mraz.

Chinese Medicine and Consumer Transparency – Where Do Your Herbs Come From?

I realized it’s been a year since I posted an article about transparency of herbal products on the market today.  Much has changed with new GMP (Good Manufacturing Process) laws and much has stayed the same.  I decided to re-post this while talking with a client about what to look for in the best Chinese herb products on the market.  It will always be a buyers-beware market. You must do your homework when shopping for supplements. The first order of business is to check out the manufacturer.  If you would like our Free Special Report on:  “What you need to know about Chinese Herbs before you buy” just sign up for our news letter and you will receive it FREE.  Or click here.  Enjoy this article about transparency and what we’ve done to help provide you with the most information possible about our herbal products.

Crystal Clear = transparencyAs I make my way through the murky waters of the internet today, I found the most refreshing words, like a crystal clear lake in the middle of the  mountains that you just happen upon on a back country hike.  The words were these:  “Directions to Standard Process” Now I don’t usually name any companies in my blogs or support and certain supplier and I  truthfully have no connection with Standard Process (a supplement manufacturer), but that’s not the reason to mention them here.  The reason is simple.  Wadding through all the supplement/herb suppliers on the internet I’ve never seen these words before. Directions,  they are advertising directions to their factory on a map of Wisconsin and even more incredible, a tour of their factory. It’s unheard of!

This is exactly what we need in this industry.  Transparency is more than a word.   It is an action that companies need to take for consumers to have real faith in their products.   PAC Herbs along with Standard Process has done this and more.  Both our websites  announces  to  the public, “take a tour of our  facilities”.   Standard Process says  “hairnets and lab-coats are provided  and please wear rubber shoes”.    If that’s not the gold standard what is?   It simple doesn’t get more transparent than that. Since our factory is in Taiwan, and it’s a bit of a trek for most of us to follow the “Directions to PAC Herbs factory”. Rather than  lose transparency  because of  distance, I have brought our factory tour to you, via internet and video.   

I’ve also added a Google Earth link so you can easily find our factory via cyberspace and zoom right in. Our factory video is on our home page so in approximately  three minutes you can take a tour, no lab-coat or hair net needed. You can even do it barefoot. A company that’s been around as long as Standard Process (since 1929) has learned the value in allowing customers (and potential customers) complete access. I’m impressed with their transparency and continue to follow their lead.  This is a must for our industry.  Consumers  want access these days, not only does it make us feel special,  like we’re a celebrity cutting right through to the front of the line. More importantly,  transparency helps educate consumers and allows them to  purchase the best products for their health needs,  rather than a cheap imitation product that’s barely effective. Herb and other supplement manufacturers who choose to keep those “Directions”   from their websites are missing a golden opportunity to increase their own credibility,  or do they have something to hide?

Herbal medicine suppliers talk about cGMP processing rules and regulations but unless you know  where they physically are manufacturing the goods how can you know or trust their products.  The herbal/supplement market suffers greatly from lost credibility.  PAC Herbs takes a different direction. We’ve contracted with the most reputable herbal processing manufacturer in the world, KPC, Kaiser Pharmaceutical Company, to produce our products. (not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente) We have actively chosen to be transparent about our factory, location, operation and it’s history, to give you the confidence that our Chinese herbal  products are the best on the planet.  

Check out the KPC  website, learn more, you’ll find it a refreshing change from most herb suppliers who prefer to leave those “directions” conspicuously missing.

Sleeping Through The Night, Naturally

Best natural herbal sleep aid is Ziziphi or Suan Zao Ren Having a good night of sleep can make all the difference in having a good day ahead.  The video below gives some good ideas about Western herbs for sleep and some foods that may help calm you down in the evening. But unfortunately, the dietitian in this segment of Fox News has obviously not heard of Chinese herbs that are commonly used as sleep aids. Drinking  Ziziphi or Suan Zao Ren tea, otherwise known as  spiny jujube seed, can give you as much if not more relaxation as chamomile tea or valerian tea.  Americans are not as familiar with Chinese herbs because they are not yet as pervasive on the store shelves, but they are coming. (Ours are already here)  As the world gets smaller, Americans are learnimg more about convention herbal medicines from far away places such as China. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, ziziphi seed is widely used with other herbs for the treatment of insomnia.  I was in a health food store the other day talking to people about  iSleep Herb Pac and it was inspiring to hear talk so many people who want to end their addiction to prescription sleep aids.   Natural alternatives to sleepless nights do exist.   Herbs used in Asia for generations like spiny jujube/ziziphi are the new natural drug of choice.

There are many studies which have examined the effective components of this herb. They have all come to similar conclusions, the sedative and hypnotic effects of jujube seeds come from three important compounds, flavonoids, saponins, and polysaccharides all found inside. The combination and concentration of these chemicals and  is truly remarkable in each little seed.  Together these active chemicals prolong sleep time, provide more REM sleep and decrease sleep latency, or the time it takes to fall asleep.  Some studies point more to the saponins, also found in many foods (ie, alfalfa, fenugreek, oats and potatoes) which help you feel that sedative effect.  Asian cultures have known these effects for generations, they never needed a study to know that suan zao ren helps you sleep.  They know from experience, past down from generation to generation. They also know Chinese herbs are more effective when combined together with other herbs. But we're still learning.

Pub Med study on Semen Ziziphi spinosae/ Suan Zao Ren