11 Easy Ways To Eat and Lose Weight Naturally Following The Asian Diet Plan

The focus of Asian diet plan is to create wellness. By practicing these dietary habits you will  have health and energy for life.

 We all know:  “Health is not simply the absence of sickness.” — Hannah Green

Consider ways to eat what you enjoy and enjoy what you eat by following these Asian Diet secrets.

This list has been perfected and practiced for centuries.

To paraphrase Sun Simiao, the great Chinese physician in the sixth century, one wastes the skill of a great physician if one does not first consider the food he or she are eating. This is still true today. Consider also when you eat and how you eat as you read the tips below.

11 Asian Diet Habits

#1. Limit Drinks, Especially Cold Drinks With Meals

Americans have a bad habit of drinking a cold glass of water or soda with meals. Changing this habit alone will create better digestion of food. Limit fluid intake with your meals and you will stop diluting your digestive enzymes which are so important for proper digestion. Green tea or other hot teas before a meal supports enzymatic activity and helps enhance your digestive abilities. It’s best to add liquids 30 minutes before or after meals, not during.

#2.  Enjoy Soup Often

Soup is a nutrient dense food and fills you up quickly. You don’t need much, just a half cup is beneficial. Most Asian soups are made with bones and/or combinations of vegetables so you’re getting lots of vitamins and minerals even with a small portion. Whether it is bone broth soup, vegetable or miso, soups are rich in vitamins and minerals and easily absorbed. Secondly, but equally important is that the warm temperature of soup (like tea) can improve the entire digestive process.

#3. Eat a 3:1 Ratio Vegetables to Meat

3:1 means three times the amount of vegetables to the amount of meat. The meat and potato American diet does not make much room for vegetables on the plate. In fact, the favorite American vegetable, potatoes, (i.e., French fries) should be replaced with sweet potatoes if you absolutely can’t live without that starch. Better still, consider vegetables with bitter flavors. Give radishes, radicchio and bitter melon a spot on your plate.

#4. Small Plates and Chopsticks

Small serving bowls and small plates are a great way to eat smaller portions. I love to mix up attractive small plates and bowls in different shapes and sizes. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing to eat from these but it helps you eat smaller portions. Chopsticks are another easy way to avoid the shovel techniques of eating. For the average American inexperienced chopstick user, they are guaranteed to slow down your rate of consumption and give your stomach time to send the message to your brain that you’re full and it’s time to stop eating.

#5. Rice Combining

Rice combinations like black, brown, red, or even purple rice are nutritionally denser than white or brown alone. (The best is unpolished/less processed rice, because it is rich in B vitamins.) Rice is eaten to supplement the meal in Asia, not a main course. Rice has always been a popular carbohydrate, cheap to grow and easy to transport and store. But as a carbohydrate it is converted into sugar during the digestive process. This means it can cause a dramatic effect in our glycemic index. This is good for fast energy, but bad if you want to avoid blood sugar fluctuations and bad for those who are diabetic or pre-diabetic. Rice combinations are less starchy therefore less sugar conversion and lower in calories.

#6. Not Every Night Is Dessert Night

My kids will tell you from the time they were very little if they asked about dessert, my standard answer was “tonight is not dessert night.” Admittedly, this didn’t work so well past the age of 7, but it’s still a great rule of thumb. If you must have dessert make it fruit. Fruit is nutritious and delicious and a common Asian dessert. Cut and serve it up in a fun and interesting way to make it that much more exciting. Sugary cakes, cookies and ice cream can be for special celebrations only.

#7. Seafood — See Food Differently

No need to repeat what we already know. Research supports this common Asian diet practice of eating fish daily. We’ve heard all about the healthy oils from fish. Fish has always been part of man’s diet nearly everywhere in the world, not just Asia. But the Asian culture has kept this part of their heritage alive better than most.

#8. Asian Snacks are Healthier

Take a look at what Asians eat for snacks and compare it with the American chips and cookies and you’ll understand part of the reason Americans are so overweight and Asians are not. Choose seaweed snacks, nuts, dried fruit and seeds. I love pumpkin and sunflower seeds. All are easy to find in nearly every market. These healthy snacks are packed full of micro-nutrients, vitamins and minerals and the choices are limitless. One caveat, do watch out for the salt content of nuts. Raw is preferred but admittedly not as tasty as salted. If you really want the salt, try “lightly salted” versions.

#9. Optimize Food Temperatures With Seasons

Energetic temperatures of foods should not be overlooked. Eat warming foods in cold weather and cooling foods in hot weather. This common-sense rule of thumb is barely spoken in Asia because it’s simply practiced. Cold drinks and cold foods such celery, melons and cold salads are not eaten in the middle of winter. Hot soups and stews with meat are preferred because this is what the body needs in cold weather. A hot summer day is the perfect time for watermelon or a cooling drink made with aloe and cucumber. Every food has an energetic temperature and acts on the body accordingly. Eating the right temperature foods during the various season of the year is an important part of a healthy diet.

#10. Avoid Cow’s Milk and Milk Combining

Milk combines horribly with just about everything, while supplying vastly too much calcium and not enough magnesium. Cow’s milk is completely absent in Asian diets. Other cultures such as Jewish kosher rules recognized thousands of years ago that milk products should be eaten apart from other foods. If you just can’t give up cow’s milk, at the very least don’t ignore the tenet of food combining. Combining the wrong foods, i.e., dairy, slows down gut motility to a snail’s pace, the exact opposite of what is best for healthy digestion. Replacements for cow’s milk are easier than ever today with the arrival of convenient cartons of almond, coconut, rice or organic soy milk.

#11 is regular bowel movements.

Healthy eating and good digestion create healthy bowel movements and a healthy gut is a clean gut. Although often not talked about in the S.A.D. Standard American Diet, a minimum of one bowel movement a day is an absolute necessity. So much of our immune system is dependent on our gut health and this is one reason proper digestion is key to optimizing our health and wellness. This is our body’s natural detox method and the last on this list of Asian diet tips.  Check out  Skinny Boost Herb Pack a Chinese herb formula for improving bowel health is the  #1 formula used in Japan to improve weight loss results and detox the gut gently and safely.


Chinese Herbs Safety Information

Many people today turn to alternative medicine to deal with an array of health issues, including trouble with sleep, menopause, pms, lack of energy, weight loss…the list goes on.

It is extremely important then that we know what we are putting in our bodies. All foods, including herbs have the potential to be dangerous if grown with heavy pesticide use. Pacific Herbs has been aware of this from the birth of our company…. and that’s why we use the gold standard of testing to ensure the quality and safety of our herbs.

Watch this short video explaining how you can learn if your herbs are safe.


What’s Eating You? Rantings on Diets and Chinese Herbs

Three weeks into the new year and you've got it figured out right?  I'm talking about your weight loss diet plan of course!!

Judging by the calls and emails, lots of folks are looking for that proverbial Chinese herb or herbal remedy that will  help them lose weight. No matter how many millions of weight lose web sites and diet plans you read, this simple fact remains.

What's eating you, is much more important, than what you're eating. 

Since your body is a mirror of all your thoughts, your diet starts in your head.  When you feed your body the wisdom of self love and self respect, you will never eat anything that doesn't match that intention.  Simple as that.  What I find ironic is that most diet /meal plan companies from Weight Watchers, to Jenny Craig to Nutrisystem, spend so much time focusing on what you eat, they often miss out on focusing on what's eating you?   How much food do you consume mindlessly?  All the contestants on the Biggest Loser when asked why they gained so much weight, admit to unconsciously eating their way to their large size.

For the Record:  Healthy weight starts in your head.  We can help you with Chinese herbs which can help clear out the poop chute. ( I know a very cute 8 year old who laughs hysterically at this phrase.)  They won't help suppress your appetite, although drinking herbal tea may help fill you up.  Chinese herbs are commonly used for both constipation and diarrhea.  If either is a problem, call or email us for a phone consultation. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctors commonly use the ancient formula called  "Run Chang Wan" (Moisten Intestines Pill.)  Our version includes Huo Ma Ren (marijuana seeds), rehmannia, (shu di huang) and unprocessed Chinese rhubarb root (da huang) and a few other herbs.  This herbal remedy for constipation maximizes laxative properties while still being safe and mild. Call us for more information.