How Preventable is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer awareness means different things to different people.

But let’s get real.  Breast cancer, like all cancers are better prevented than cured. I think we can all agree we would rather NOT get cancer during our life time. But the reality is, many don’t feel we have a say in the ‘Dis-Ease’ process.

We get handed illness – we don’t choose illness.

Can we hand ourselves HEALTH?   I believe we can!

Prevention is the cure!  Every day, we can give ourselves health.  In the foods we eat, the thoughts we focus on and the life we create.

So, how Preventable is Breast Cancer?

Continue reading “How Preventable is Breast Cancer?”

Natural Sleep aids

Top 4 Reasons For Insomnia and How To Fix Them

I’ve been getting a lot of compliments about how well some folks are sleeping when using iSleep Herb Pack. There seems to be nothing quite like a rejuvenating night of sleep and once you get it, you really fall in love with the feeling and want to share it.

For those people who are accustom to a night of sleeping in short 1-2 hour spurts,  a 6-7 hours, “Out like a light” is truly heaven sent.  

Personally I can not function without at least seven hours of horizontal non-activity.  If you are someone who struggles with insomnia, let me explain how Chinese medicine views insomnia and how Chinese herbs have been used to help those who suffer.

There are 4 main patterns for insomnia in Chinese medicine.

1.  The first and most common reason for insomnia is due to “over-thinking”.

Termed Shen (spirit) disturbance. This is an overactive mind. Day time is the time to make plans, work and be active with your eyes open and your mind busy.   Night time, (or whenever you are trying to sleep) is the time we close our eyes and shut off our brains.   Too much thinking at night is unhealthy.  The mind needs to time to rest just as the body needs it’s rest.  This is where iSleep can be extremely beneficial because the herbs like zizyphus naturally calm the mind and stop the over-thinking process.     


2. Insomnia due to panic, anger and excessive worry.

This pattern is especially worrisome because of it can easily become habitual.  Emotions that are not addressed during the daytime hours may haunt us at night. We should try to deal with emotional problems during our waking hours but if you need a little help with this pattern of insomnia, iSleep Herb Pack is a very calming formula and in Asia this group of herbs is commonly used for excess stress and worry during the day.  I know of some care givers who use iSleep to keep their aging and care dependent family members in a calm state during the day time hours.  It is perfectly safe to use  1 packet of iSleep everyday if needed.


3. Insomnia due to yin deficiency. 

This is very common in menopause age women.  This kinds of insomnia is caused mainly by excess heat.   What commonly happens in as women (and men) with age is comparable to what happens in a car with a broken radiator.  The car begins to overheat because there is a lack of coolant circulating.  Our coolant dries up as we age and if we don’t replace it with yin nourishing foods and herbs often the result is yin deficiency insomnia.   (BTW, night time is also known as yin time.)  Nourish your yin our Menopause Relief Herb Pack and you will begin to sleep better almost immediately. Some women (and yes men too) will use our Menopause Relief during the day and iSleep at night.   There are no contraindication to using our herbal products this way.


4.  Insomnia can have a nutritional component.

For the extremely weak or elderly often times a poor diet prevents the blood from properly nourishing the heart.  This type of insomnia is call Qi & Blood deficiency.   In this case, it is necessary to  repair the body with proper nutrition and supplementation.  This pattern of insomnia will often subside once the heart, kidneys and spleen are properly nourished. Eat well during the day because your body will be fasting for at least 8-10 hours when you are getting proper rest.


Although this is not a complete gamut of sleeping pattern difficulties in Chinese medicine these patterns are the most common.  Often times it is a combination of these 4 that can persist.  Chinese herbs have been used effectively for these patterns for centuries.  If you would like to see more information on the studies behind the herbs in our iSleep insomnia aid please click here.

reishi mushroom

Reishi Mushroom Benefits Your Immune System

Supporting the body’s natural healing response with medicinal mushrooms

For centuries, mushrooms have been used for their medicinal and therapeutic properties. The reported benefits of medicinal mushrooms include anti-inflammatory, immune-supporting, anti-cancer, antiviral, and antioxidant effects. Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas frequently incorporate medicinal mushrooms to help support the body’s natural healing processes, which in turn can help to protect the body against common, modern-day health concerns often associated with chronic inflammation.

Healthy vs. Chronic Inflammation
Simply put, inflammation is part of the human body’s complex response to remove injury, irritation, damaged cells, or pathogens. It is the body’s necessary and natural response to harmful stimuli.

A healthy inflammatory response typically involves temporary physical symptoms such as fever, pain, and swelling to aid in the healing process and restore the normal structure and function of the injured tissues. In other words, the body must temporarily inflame in order to anti-inflame.

“Temporary” is the key word here. Yet in our modern world, many harmful external stimuli – think chronic stress, environmental pollutants, overly processed diets laden with sugar and industrial seed oils, and a sedentary lifestyle – can contribute to prolonged inflammation in the body.

Chronic inflammation has been associated in part with the development of many common inflammatory conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, bronchitis, atherosclerosis, and certain autoimmune conditions. A strong link has also been established between prolonged inflammation and the development of certain types of cancers.

Risks of NSAIDS
These days, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is the most common treatment for reducing inflammation in the body. But NSAIDs are not a viable long-term solution. Prolonged NSAID use been associated with harmful gastrointestinal side effects such as bleeding, ulcers, lesions, and intestinal perforation. Other serious side effects include liver and kidney damage, hypertension, and other cardiovascular complications.

But there are better ways to modulate chronic inflammation.

There is a growing demand for safe and effective alternatives to conventional anti-inflammatory treatments. Western healthcare providers and patients alike are increasingly turning to forms of plant-based treatments that Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have used for centuries – including medicinal mushrooms.

Among the most effective, potent, and well-studied medicinal mushrooms known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting properties is the powerful reishi mushroom.

What is Reishi Mushroom?
Reishi mushroom is a fungus typically found in hot, humid locations around Asia. Also known as Ganoderma lucidum or Ling zhi, reishi mushroom has long been a staple in the traditional medical systems of China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries for its immune stimulating and other health-promoting effects.

Reishi contains molecules such as polysaccharides, triterpines, and pepdidoglycans – compounds that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties.

While the mushrooms can be eaten fresh, they are commonly used as a powder or as an extract – forms that are more concentrated and therefore more effective for therapeutic use.

Health Benefits of Reishi Mushroom
Proper immune function is crucial to a healthy inflammatory response. And a healthy digestive system is vital for proper immune function. Over 70% of the human immune system resides in the gastrointestinal tract. So what we consume on a regular basis directly influences the health of our gut bacteria.

One of the most important benefits of reishi mushroom is that it supports immune function when consumed on a consistent basis. Reishi contains concentrated amounts of complex carbohydrates known as beta glucans polysaccharides, which are exactly what our healthy gut bacteria like to eat.

Reishi is considered to be an effective form of preventative natural medicine due to its immunomodulatory effects. Lab studies suggest that beta glucans may help stop the growth of abnormal cells. When animals were fed these compounds, some cells of their immune system became more active.

Reishi mushrooms also contain sterols that can act as precursors to hormones in the body, along with substances called triterpenes that may have blood pressure-lowering and anti-allergy effects.

Additionally, studies have shown that reishi may alter inflammation pathways in white blood cells, which are a critical part of the immune system. Research has shown that some of the molecules in reishi can increase the activity of white blood cells knows as natural killer (NK) cells, which are responsible for fighting infections and cancer in the body.

In particular, reishi has been shown to have anti-cancer and anti-tumor effects in patients with colorectal , breast , and ovarian cancers. This potent medicinal mushroom has also been shown to improve quality of life in some cancer patients by alleviating common side effects of chemotherapy, and in enhancing the efficacy of radiotherapy.

Extracts of reishi have been shown to be protective to the liver and kidneys – unlike conventional anti-inflammatories such as NSAIDs, which have been linked to liver and kidney damage.

Even healthy individuals can benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of reishi mushroom. One study showed that reishi improved white blood cell function in athletes after exposure to stress , suggesting that it may help aid in recovery.

And let’s not forget that the immune system is often depressed after strenuous efforts such as hard workouts, races, and competitions. Reishi can be an excellent way not only to enhance recovery, but also to help stave off the colds and flus that can crop up following a hard training block or competition – a common pain point for athletes and other active individuals.

How to Choose a Reishi Supplement
So what do you look for in a reishi supplement? As with any supplement, not all reishi formulations are created equal. The concentration and efficacy of the beneficial compounds in these mushrooms vary widely based on factors such as sourcing, storage, processing, and cooking methods.

And yet, many herbal products companies have no idea how or where their ingredients were grown or processed.

Importantly, the health benefits of reishi are enhanced when combined with other herbs – a concept that Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have understood for centuries. Choosing an expertly blended formula of mushrooms and herbs that work synergistically is an excellent way to maximize the overall benefit to your health.

So how can you be sure that your reishi mushroom-based supplement is made with the highest standards for sourcing, quality, and efficacy?

There’s a reason that we work with Pacific Herbs – and have for years. Pacific Herbs’ formulations are made with the highest quality concentrated herbal granules, processed for maximum potency and effectiveness, ease of dosing, and cost savings compared to capsule products.

Pacific Herbs’ Immune Boost Herb Pack™ is a potent formulation of reishi mushroom and other synergistic herbs – and is the most concentrated herbal immune support extract available, at a 10:1 extract (i.e., one gram of the product is equivalent to 10 grams of dried herbs).

In other words, you would have to eat a lot of mushrooms to equal the amount of reishi found in a single teaspoon of Immune Boost Herb Pack™!

Pacific Herbs Immune Boost Herb Pack™ contains:
• 40% Reishi mushroom (Ling Zhi), which is high in polysaccharides that feed our good gut bacteria, and may help protect against oxidative stress.
• 30% Astralgus (Huang Qi), which has been shown to have immune protective and antioxidant effects.
• 30% Red Date, Ginger Root, and Licorice Root (“The Three Sweets”), which help balance the formula and improve absorption.
• NO fillers, binders, sugar, gluten, caffeine, magnesium stearate, artificial flavors, or preservatives. Ever!

All Pacific Herbs products are non-GMO, Kosher, and vegan, and organic and wild-crafted wherever possible. Certificates of Analysis are available to guarantee the quality and purity of every batch.

Now more than ever, there is a critical need to stay healthy and protect our loved ones. Supporting the body’s immune system and innate healing response is something that we can all do. Incorporating reishi and a synergistic blend of potent medicinal herbs into our daily lives is a great place to start.

Are Your Chinese Herbs Full of Fillers

Are Your Chinese Herbs Full of Fillers? Pacific Herbs Supplements Have No Fillers

Are your supplements full of fillers? Most vitamins, herbs and dietary supplements on the store shelf are made with inert fillers. The reason for adding fillers to vitamin supplements is because to put any substance into a capsule the encapsulation machines will clog if fillers are not used.

Common fillers are starch, magnesium stearate, sugar or titanium dioxide. Fillers have no health benefits; in fact they may be harmful.

Pacific Herbs takes great pride in offering organic Traditional Chinese Herbs with no fillers.

As part of the safety process in producing Pacific Herbs there is a Specie Authentication process that macroscopically examines the raw herbs and a TLC (thin layer chromatography) authentication that is completed. Testing for pesticides, heavy metal and over 200 possible contaminants.

Certificate of Analysis (COA) tracks herbs from raw to finished product. Purified water is our only solvent. We provide the best Chinese herbs and herbal supplements available.


Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Pacific Herbs can help you naturally restore hormonal balance. Suffering from PMS, menopause or peri-menopausal? Traditional Chinese Medicine from Pacific Herbs can help!

A natural alternative for symptoms of hormonal headaches, PMS, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, anxiety, mental clarity and other hormonal imbalances.

Asian cultures have used this combination of herbs effectively as a natural alternative for years. Pacific Herbs is a great solution to create hormonal balance for women with natural progesterone.

For more healthy tips and Chinese herbs to help keep you healthy check out reishi mushroom link and video at or visit

Are Herb Supplements Still Bio-Active If They Have Fillers?

Most plants and herbs are naturally “Bio-Active” meaning they are digestible by humans and our gut (our large and small intestines). Recognizing the chemicals nutrients from plants is not as easy for your body today because often we eat and swallow herbal supplements with tons of “non-bio-active” fillers.

Just like your eyes understand these words because you have been trained in English language, your intestines can decode the language of plant chemicals that come through our guts. But when man-made chemicals arrive, i.e. fillers in herbal supplements such as magnesium stearate, a man-made chemical, then bio-activity slows to a crawl. Your body is not good a deciphering these new man-made chemicals that is has never seen before. It’s like trying to read English without ever learning the alphabet. You simply have no idea what they letters mean.

On the contrary, when herbs and plants are ingested,the curative are more powerful because all the plant chemical constituents become more BIO-AVAILABLE to our human genome. Our bodies, for thousands of years have ingested these chemicals and our bodies can decipher plant chemical make-up.

How do we know this? The research is overwhelming. Chemical pictures via computer programs using high performance liquid chromotography reveal marker chemicals in various herbs. These chemicals, for example, astraglaside #4 in Astragalus (huang qi) is higher in concentration in after boiling astragalus (huang qi) in a pot of hot water for 30 minutes than when testing the raw root material.

If we take it a step further and we cook the herbs in hot water boiling process and start to break down the fibrous plant material the plants will release even more chemical constituents with curative powers. The ancient Chinese knew this and therefore always boiled their herbs and drank the water as a tea, rather than eating the roots or leaves raw.

This tradition survives today. Boil your herbs and enjoy freshly released bio-active compounds and bio-availability of a matrix of healing herbal compounds. If you don’t have time to boil your own, Pacific Herbs line of herbs in granules have already been cooked and concentrated and have all the bio-active compounds you need to stay healthy. Check out the easiest way to get Bio-Active herbs here.

Health Practitioners, Are We Really “Doing No Harm”?

It has been said, If you’re going to really succeed in your business,
you have to stand for something important. 

And the toughest part of all that?

Well, for me, truthfully all of it is tough.

Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I to do this?”. . .(I’m still asking!)

“Who am I to help the sick, the aging, the dying and

set them on a path toward wellness?”

If you’ve ever asked this same question then please keep reading.

Continue reading “Health Practitioners, Are We Really “Doing No Harm”?”

Women , You Can Balance Those Hormones

I see so many women struggling with hormonal balance today.  From age 15 to age 80 it seems everyone has symptoms. Some patients are breast cancer survivors others are dealing with menopause symptoms. Hormonal imbalances are not always just PMS & hot flashes, some of my patients have cold hands, irritability, mood swings, pre-menopausal bone fractures, sluggish metabolism (fatigue), thyroid dysfunction, fibrocystic breasts, anxiety, fibroids, irregular menstrual cycles, and /or insomnia to name just a few?

All of these symptoms can be related to hormonal imbalance and a state known as “Estrogen Dominance” which refers to as a cumulative load of estrogen effects that outpace progesterone.

So how does someone become “estrogen dominant” and how does estrogen effect our overall health? Understanding the causes requires first a look at the most common places we find estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen (E1) is produced mainly in the ovaries. Progesterone is produced mainly from the outside lining of a mature egg released from the ovaries. Our modern world has bio-mimicking hormone disruptor’s just about everywhere, the water we drink, the food we eat, the buildings we live in. Estrogen can also become a dominant hormone through the exposure to xeno-estrogens (chemicals that act on estrogen hormone receptors).

Xeno-estrogens are known endocrine disrupting chemicals and can be found in:

  • Body-care products, including ones like sunscreens we coat on our bodies.
    Pesticides in our food supply
    Hormones used to plump up animals in our meat supply chain
    Hormones in our milk supply
    Unfiltered tap water can contain synthetic estrogen from birth control pills
    Microwaving food in plastic containers releases xeno-estrogens
    Some non-stick coated cookware release xeno-estrogens
    Plastic water bottles contain xeno-estrogen chemicals
    Processed food can contain propyl-paraben a well know endocrine disruptor (Propyl paraben is in 49 widely-available processed foods)


We can solve this, right? We can drink filtered water, eat only organic meat and vegetables, change some lifestyle habits and our hormones will go back into balance, problem solved. Theoretically this approach should work, IF the body can detox/eliminate the accumulated toxic estrogen load. Often this load is stored in fat and so many of us are struggling with our weight.

 Lifestyle changes will help the toxic overload of estrogen but, unfortunately this is often not enough to bring the body back into balance.  Considerations these tips for help with reducing your toxic estrogen load.

Creating a safer estrogen by-product or metabolite should be part of the overall detoxification plan.

1. Chinese herbs formula Jia Wei Xiao Yao San AKA Relax Herb Pack – This popular Chinese herb formula sold worldwide for stress and anxiety outsells all other Chinese formulas, year after year. Stress dramatically affects liver function through continual overproduction of cortisol. When the body over produces cortisol, estrogen dominance can flourish. Help the liver with stress and the downstream effects will improve. In Chinese medicine we always treat the liver first when there are signs of stress and estrogen dominance.

2.  Methionine – This supplement provides sulfur (not the same as sulfa drugs) and acts as a cellular cleanser. It literally donates methyl groups for the biochemical reaction that rids you of poisons and harmful estrogen by-products. Foods can also donate methyl groups a few good ones are beets, legumes, eggs, broccoli, leafy greens, nuts and sunflower seeds.

3. Methylcobalamin – A form of B12, this supplement also provides a “methyl” group which helps the estrogen detoxification process. Keep in minds, antacids, some diabetes medications, certain cholesterol binding medicines and alcohol can wipe out your supply of methylcobalamin.

4.  Calcium D-Glucarate – This is not the same as plain calcium. Toxins must combine with water-soluble substances to leave your body. This supplement combines with estrogen to help move it out.

5. Reishi Mushroom  – Reishi is high in poly-saccharides which feed the body’s microbiome, which, in turn, help your metabolism including liver metabolism.  Since your liver is your main detoxification organ, you need to do everything possible to keep it working optimally. Get into the habit of feeding your body foods that help every organ perform better. (Check out organic coffee & tea with reishi here)

6.  Fermented foods such as miso soup, tempeh, kombucha, fermented vegetables i.e. pickles, sauerkraut and kimchi.

Keep in mind, reaching hormone balance can be accomplished faster with the elimination and avoidance of xeno-estrogens. However, most doctors will agree, diet, supplements, exercise and lifestyle-based strategies are equally important. Establish realistic goals for yourself and you will be successful in treating the root causes and symptoms of estrogen dominance.


1. Microbiome Researcher, Rob Knight Ph.D. The American Gut Project
2. Environmental Working Group.
3. More great info on the human microbiome

Can Chinese Herbs Be The Next Cancer Treatment?

Traditional forms of  medicine may offer  hope for cancer.  

Experts from Cardiff University's School of Medicine have joined forces with Peking University in China to test the health benefits of a traditional Chinese medicine. The new treatments come from Chinese herbs used for liver, lung, colorectal cancers and osteosarcoma of the bones.

"Traditional Chinese medicine where compounds are extracted from natural products or herbs has been practised for centuries in China, Korea, Japan and other countries in Asia," according to Professor Wen Jiang from Cardiff University's School of Medicine, who is the director of the Cardiff University-Peking University Joint Cancer Institute at Cardiff and led the research as part of a collaboration between Cardiff University and Peking University.

The traditional Chinese herb formula consist of 14 herbs. The formula has been shown to be beneficial to cancer patients.  The researchers have discovered how the formula work.  Apparently it works by blocking a pathway which stops the spread of cancer cells in the body.

"It suggests that combining the formula with conventional as well as new therapies could hold the key to developing new treatments for cancer patients.

"We are already looking to clinical trials in treatment of lung and other cancer types."

Funded by Cancer Research Wales and the Albert Hung Foundation – the results will be presented at the European Cancer Congress 2013 which takes place in Amsterdam between the 27th September and 1st October. 

Embrace the Change – Menopause Health and Wellness Summit

Finally all you need to know on how to embrace the menopause change.

Now a days more and more women are seeking natural solutions for menopause symptoms such as depression, anxiety, weight gain,  insomnia, lack of libido and much more. Some of which can be extremely annoying and life interfering.

And that's why I am excited to announce that I will be collaborating with Kris T. Smith and many expert speakers to bring you much of those needed solutions for menopause during the "Embrace the Change" Menopause Health and Wellness Summit for 8 consecutive days starting September 22-29th, 2013.

It's a FREE summit that will bring you life-changing results and ways to help you thrive through midlife, peri-menopause and menopause. 

Go Here to Get your guaranteed FREE Spot

The 22 expert speakers will give you valuable information and life changing results for you to keep forever.

Topics such as:

How to Ignite the Flame in your Relationship and Thrive through Menopause

5 Ways to Avoid Packing on the Pounds

Vaginal Dryness

The 6 Secrets to Overcoming Weight Loss Resistance and Achieving Diving Health

The Mindful Way through Menopause-How to Stay Cool and Embrace the Change

Diabetes and Menopause

Living with Zest

“Stinkin Thinkin” during Menopause

Using Essential Oils for Menopause

Reclaiming Your Feminine Power

Stress Reduction

How to get Better Sleep

The Power of Mindset


I bet you are ready to Embrace the Change, stay healthy, be balanced, look and feel your best, and create your very best second half of life!


The best of this all is that is FREE and the 22 experts will bring you valuable information. There will also be many bonuses for you.

Sign up today—you'll be glad you did. You won't want to miss this opportunity of a lifetime!

Be Well, 


Cathy Margolin, L.Ac. Dipl.

President Pacific Herbs



Oh….don't forget to share the opportunity with all your friends and family as well.




Hormone Use Increases Breast Cancer Risk

Newly released research sugherbs for menopausegests that the long-term use of any type of hormones (this includes the birth control pill) can increase the risk of breast cancer. Women taking  long-term hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause symptoms are at an even greater risk. 

Research has already shown that taking birth control pills with combined estrogen and progestin, the most common type, can increase breast cancer risk.


The outcome from this new study states any type of hormones (i.e. birth control pills, HRT ) after many years of use, results in cancer.


This new study tracked the health of over 100,000 registered nurses and found that use of any kind of hormones for 10 years (or more) raised the chances of developing breast cancer. "There's a continued increase in risk with longer durations of use and there does not appear to be a plateau," said study leader Dr. Wendy Chen of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.


There are natural and safe answers to menopausal hot flashes, night sweats and other menopause symptoms.Traditional Chinese herbal medicine has been used for generations of women to elliminate the uncomfortable symptoms on menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats. See our Menopause Relief Herb Pack here.



The hormone picture has been confusing and now doctors say women should use the lowest dose needed for the shortest time possible.

– Estrogen use with progesterone for 10 to 14.9 years had an 88% higher incidence of breast cancer

– Estrogen use with progesterone for 15 to 19.9 years had an increase risk of “more than twofold”

– Estrogen use alone for 10 to 14.9 years had a 22% increased risk of breast cancer

– Estrogen alone for 15 to 19.9 years had a 43% increased risk of breast cancer

"It's hard to be surprised that if you keep taking it, sooner or later it's going to raise risk," said Dr. Robert Clarke of Georgetown University's Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.



American Association for Cancer Research –

See study here:{2D8C569E-B72C-4E7D-AB3B-070BEC7EB280}

Bio- Identical Hormones & Menopause Relief

Soy for menopause or bio-identical homrmones



The question many women suffering with menopausal hot flashes and night sweats are asking is whether bio-identical hormones such as progesterone cream and phytoestrogen (plant sourced estrogen) are safe and effective AS  the chemical hormones found in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) drugs?


Many women today are being told “bio-identical” hormones are identical to those your body makes. Even though progesterone and estrogen bio-identical creams may be closer to what your body produces there are certainly risks in using any hormone therapy.   Some doctors believe the risks are just as great as taking an hormone replacement therapy drug (HRT) others believe the jury is still out because we have no long term data since these products are still very new to the market.  Risks may be tied to the dosage which varies greatly from women to women.


Bio-identical hormones made from plant sources may be perfectly safe in low doses, which is the way we would ingest these chemicals found in yams, soy beans and a handful of herbs but at higher doses may be harmful. Nearly every substance found in nature can be safe in minute doses yet toxic at a higher dose. Even water can kill us when taken in to large a dose over a very short time period.  Knowing what dose is right for your body can be tricky depending on blood, urine and saliva testing which may not give an accurate reading of circulating hormones in your blood which changes daily and even hourly.


Bio-identical hormones, make no mistake can be just as powerful and dangerous as taking a prescription hormone replacement drug.  Phytoestrogen  used in minute doses the way we find in nature may be completely safe and effective.  Asian women have a long history of eating soy beans nearly everyday of their life from childhood through adulthood and experience very few menopausal symptoms.  The isoflavones in soy are known to act as a hormone balancing chemicals.


So, which should you choose, bio-identical hormones or synthetic hormone replacement therapy for your menopausal symptoms?  How about neither!   There is a third option that women in Asia have used for centuries and the Western world is just beginning to see on store shelves.  Traditional Chinese herbs are another option for menopause symptom relief.   You can learn more about it here.