Flax Out – Chinese Herbs In For Hot Flashes

hot flashes gone with Chinese herbsWe understand women are looking for natural products for as menopause treatment options.  Unfortunately,  flax seeds do not significantly lessen hot flashes according a study done at the Mayo Clinic and reported today in the American Society of Clinical Oncology conference in Chicago.

Researchers enrolled 178 women who had at least 28 hot flashes per week.  About half were breast cancer survivors.  

The women were given snack bars with or without flax seed to eat once a day. After six weeks, only a third of each group reported 50 percent fewer hot flashes, and all reported more bloating, diarrhea and nausea.”This we suspect was due to the fiber content in the bars,” According to Dr. Sandhya Pruthi of the Mayo Clinic in Minneapolis.

If flax seeds don’t help hot flashes what does help? Chinese herbs have been used for over two thousand years successfully throughout Asia and help women naturally go through the change in life without severe hot flashes and night sweats.  

Chinese herbs such as Rehamniae, Discorea, Horny Goat Weed, Moutan and others have a long history of helping women balance their energy and bring their bodies back to homeostasis.  Herbal medical products for the treatment of menopausal symptoms have been studied and used continuously throughout Asia. Most American’s are familiar with a few Chinese herbs such as Ginseng, Dang Gui and Ginger.  Yet, hundreds of herbs have been  time tested and are safe and effective. These Chinese herbs may be new to the Western woman for menopause treatment, but Asian women have known the power in natural herbs by being raised in a culture which accepts and treasures their history, culture and learned knowledge that has been pasted down through generations.  

For more information on Chinese herbs for menopause hot flashes click here.

You may also be interested in this blog post: A Natural Alternative to Hormones and Hot Flashes.

Pain Killers & Drug Overdoses Now Higher Than Gun Shot Cases

Drug abuse treatment with herbsOnce upon a time we were a nation where statistically more people died of gunshot wounds than from legal drugs.   This statistic has now been turned upside down.  Whether it's from sleep aids or pain killers, legal drugs can lead to death.

Drug Abuse… make that "Legal Drug Abuse"… is now our nations fastest drug problem.

Seems ironic because legal drugs can only be obtained by prescription. Doesn't that make the doctors the problem?  I can't answer that, either way the FDA has a new action plan as of April 18th, 2011, a plan to fight the prescription drug abuse epidemic.

The Obama Administration now urges "education on opioid risks and benefits" to educate doctors on proper pain management.  Isn't this something doctors should already know? 

Approximately 38,000 (drug-induced deaths) people died UNINTENTIONALLY from drug overdoses in 2007 according to the Center for Disease Control. (Numbers  are not yet available for the last couple years.)  

More people died of legal drug overdoses unintentionally than from gunshot wounds in 2007. 

When looking for a statistic on how many people die from herb overdoes in 2007 the number is ZERO.  Just to compare apples to apples, we won't look at other years (where the number of herb deaths from unintentional overdoses are also zero.) Zero drug overdoses from herbs or herbal remedies.

Zero deaths from herbs, whether they are Chinese herbs, Ayurvedic herbs, Western herbs any herbal remedies or herbal supplements, deaths are zero. Yet, approximately 27,000 people died because doctors prescribe to many pain killers.  I would more aptly call them people killers.  

The drugs that kill include all those extended-release and long-acting opioid medications hydromorphone, oxycodone, morphine, oxymorphine, morphone, methadone, and transdermal fentanyl.  In addition, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that hospital emergency department visits involving prescription drug abuse have doubled just over the past 5 years.

Overdoses from crack cocaine and others illegal drugs, are not even close to the same problematic level.

I for one and happy to see attention being brought to this national health crisis.  We need a healthcare system that delivers preventative medicine.  Natural medicine such as herbs that can treat the root causes of pathologies,  not drugs that cover up symptoms while creating mass havoc in the body with side-effects, including the unintentional side-effect of death.

No Monthly Cramps, No Kidding

No cramps & PMS - Herbs work fast for PMS Relief  Be the envy of all your friends because you don't get PMS and cramps anymore.  Yes it's possible!!

The herbs used in PMS Relief Herb Pac are safe, natural and work fast for monthly cramps and PMS moodiness.  There are 14 herbs in PMS Relief that have all been used by generations of women to regulate and relieve monthly period pains. 

Why haven't you heard of this before?  If you lived in just about any part of Asia, you would have heard about these herbs.  In fact, everyone there uses Chinese herbs all the time.  Whether it's in pills, packets or boiled at home, herbs are just regular medicine.  Nothing really out of the ordinary.  I suppose similar to taking Vitamin C here or packets of Emergen C.

Once you try a packet you won't believe the results and you will be the envy of all your friends. Stop suffering in pain, there is an answer, it's all natural, safe and available. 

More info on PMS Relief Herb Pac here.

Chemo Nausea Treated With Ginger Root

Traditional Chinese Medicine ginger root Ginger root is one of the most common Chinese herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

Ginger root has been used for tea, both medicinally and as a comfort food throughout Asia for generations.  Today, many studies prove it's value in 21st century medical treatments.

The study on ginger root below is courtesy of the American Botanical Council.  As an herbalist, I love everything about what the American Botanical Council stands for and what they have accomplished.  Based in Austin, Texas, in their own words, they " are passionate about helping people live healthier lives through the responsible use of herbs, medicinal plants. We are an independent, nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to providing accurate and reliable information for consumers, health care practitioners, researchers, educators, industry and the media".

The American Botanical Council distributes a tremendous amount of reliable information on herbs and herbal studies, on Western herbs, Chinese herbs and Ayurvedic herbs, either way they are all botanicals.  The study below on ginger root is just one of thousands of monographs they have published.

By:   Amy C. Keller, PhD

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) root has been used around the world throughout history to treat stomach ailments, including nausea.1 A common, unpleasant adverse side effect of cancer treatment is chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). In this clinical trial, the researchers set out to evaluate ginger root powder as a supplement to the antiemetic, intravenous pharmaceuticals ondansetron and dexamethasone. As the researchers mention, ginger successfully reduces CINV in adults in previous studies,2 they investigate the potential for ginger to alleviate CINV in children and young adults.



Pillai AK, Sharma KK, Gupta YK, Bakhshi S. Anti-emetic effect of ginger powder versus placebo as an add-on therapy in children and young adults receiving high emetogenic chemotherapy. Pediatr Blood Cancer. February 2011;56(2):234-238

1Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, eds. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs. Austin, TX: American Botanical Council; Newton, MA: Integrative Medicine Communications; 2000.

2Ryan J, Heckler C, Dakhil S, et al. Ginger for chemotherapy-related nausea in cancer patients: a URCC CCOP randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of 644 cancer patients. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27(15S):9511.

Concern about Canned Food and Breast Cancer Risks

Prevent Breast cancer with Chinese herbsWe are telling canned food manufacturers to stop using BPA's.  We want this toxic chemical Bisphenol A, out of food.

More than 15,000 people so far have asked Campbell Soup Co., Del Monte Foods and General Mills (maker of Progresso, Cascadian Farm and Muir Glen) a simple question: What are they doing to get BPA out of their food packaging and out of our bodies?

Here's what the companies that wrote us back to you had to say:

"Muir Glen continues to believe BPA is safe. However, we know that some of our consumers have wanted us to pursue alternatives" –General Mills

"Scientific and governmental bodies worldwide have examined the science many times and have concluded that the weight of evidence supports the safety of BPA" –Progresso Soup

This sounds more like corporate talking points instead of concern for the health and well being of consumers.

More than 200 scientific studies have shown that there is reason for concern about BPA, which is plenty to convince these "consumers" that it doesn't belong in food. But are these companies really taking our concerns seriously? It sure doesn't sound like it.  BPA's are endocrine disrupting chemicals.  What this means is they effect your hormone levels.  When hormone levels are disrupted over long periods of time, i.e. estrogen dominance can result in excessive PMS, extreme menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea and high estrogen levels can feed cancer cells. 

We're keeping up the pressure on these companies to move quickly and safely to replace BPA in their products.

Canada has already banned the product and other countries are about to follow.

With your help we can make a difference. 

Tell the food manufacturers you have stopped buying canned food and ask your friends and family to take action.  Start today!

As Margaret Mead so appropriately said:   "A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has".

For more information on the studies associated with BPA's and breast cancer please check  the Breast Cancer Fund website.



Acupuncture Benefits Menstruation and Treats PCOS

PMS Relief

A recently published study in the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism concluded that low frequency electro-acupuncture improved menstrual frequency and balanced sex steroid levels in women with PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea are common problems associated with PCOS. The study measured that electro-acupuncture improved menstrual regularity in women with PCOS. 

It is believed that electro-acupuncture may help induce ovulation in women attempting to conceive since participants showed significant improvement in monthly menstrual frequency.

Traditional Chinese Medicine which includes Acupuncture, Chinese herbs and herbal formulas have been used for centuries successfully throughout Asia to treat a range of womens health concerns.  PMS and menstrual cramps are also treated very successfully with Chinese herbs and most Asian women do not suffer the same as American women.

For more articles on this subject see:

Herbal Medicine May Help Reduce Menstrual Pain says Cochran Collaboration

Elizabeth Jedel, Fernand Labrie, Anders Odén, Göran Holm, Lars Nilsson, Per Olof Janson, Anna-Karin Lind, Claes Ohlsson, and Elisabet Stener-Victorin. Impact of electro-acupuncture and physical exercise on hyperandrogenismand oligo/amenorrhea in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 300: E37–E45, 2011.

Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk By Reducing Your BPA levels in 3 days

This is a great article about BPA's and how to limit your exposure of BPA's  from the Breast Cancer Fund.   The Breast Cancer Fund is a non-profit organization working on education us on risk factors contributing to breast cancer.  Please tell your friends to join the awareness movement and stop buying canned foods until our government,follows what many others have done and puts a complete ban on BPA's in our foods.  How can we fight cancer when our government allows cancer causing chemicals in the lining of our food cans.  Am I the only one who thinks this is complete insanity?  Read and pass on. 

March 29, 2011 Breast Cancer Fund Blog

We know BPA is all around us, and the CDC tells us the chemical is in almost 95 percent of us. And we know that laboratory studies have linked BPA to breast cancer, along with a whole host of other serious health problems. But what is the leading source of the BPA that contaminates our bodies? If we removed that source, how much would our BPA levels drop?

The Breast Cancer Fund and Silent Spring Institute conducted a study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, to find out. We enlisted five families for a week-long investigation. First, the families ate their normal diets. Then, we provided them with three days’ worth of freshly prepared organic meals that avoided contact with BPA-containing food packaging, such as canned food and polycarbonate plastic. Finally, the families returned to their normal diets. We measured their BPA levels at each stage.

While the families were eating the fresh-food diet, their BPA levels dropped on average by 60 percent. Those with the highest exposure levels saw even greater reductions: 75 percent.

These groundbreaking results tell us that removing BPA from food packaging will eliminate our number one source of BPA exposure.

Here’s a summary of the kinds of changes we made to the family’s diets and how you can replicate them in your own kitchen:

– Switch to stainless steel and glass food storage and beverage containers.
– Move foods to ceramic or glass food containers for microwaving.
– Consider a French press for coffee – home coffee makers may have polycarbonate-based water tanks and phthalate-based tubing.
– Eat out less, especially at restaurants that do not use fresh ingredients.
– Limit canned food consumption.  Download our 10 canned foods to Avoid Wallet card  for your next shopping trip. And share it with people you care about.
– Choose fresh fruits and vegetables when possible, and frozen if not.
– Soak dried beans for cooking (you can make extra and freeze them).

While we can take steps to reduce our BPA exposure, we need big-picture solutions to ensure that everyone is protected from this chemical. That's why we're telling industry and government that we want safe, non-toxic food packaging now. We’re urging our elected officials to pass laws that will eliminate harmful chemicals from food packaging. We’re demanding reform of the broken system that allows these chemicals to be in our food packaging in the first place. Thanks for lending your voice to this critical work.

Six Healthy Foods to Help Fight PMS

PMS and Menstrual cramps helped with diet and Chinese Herbs


You're PMS'ing and what you're craving cupcakes, salty potato chips and CHOCOLATE!!!   Mood swings caused by hormonal changes, especially the drop in progesterone just before your menstrual cycle/period, definitely cause those food binge cravings.  So what's a girl to do??

If you give in to the cravings, your mood plummets further, often from the calorie intake realization and  the sugar that let's you down with a crash.  Bloating is another common problem and the junk food and salty snacks only make that situation worse.

So here's a couple healthy suggestions of foods to help fill you up while at the same time have the extra perk of helping resolve PMS.  At the very least, eat these foods before any junk food.  Don't wait until you have the cravings, feed your body before the cravings get out of control.   (One note, there are lots of healthy dark chocolates available today. Splurge on quality chocolate and eat it in moderation, this will be a benefit in the long run.)

Here's six great foods you must keep on hand at all times, PMS or no PMS.

1.  Garbanzo beans,  I love them pureed into hummus.  You can also easily spice them up with a little garlic, paprika, salt, pepper and dill and melt jarlsberg cheese over them.  Makes a  great snack.   Garbanzo's are high in magnesium, which can reduce bloating and water retention,  Vitamin B6 which has been know to reduce irritability and manganese may help mood swings.  Eat them hot or cold in a salad, either way they are delicious.  

2. Comblex Carb's are your best friend when you're dealing with PMS symptoms. I'm talking, brown rice, oatmeal, beans and whole grain pasta.   Whole grains contains the three nutrients mentioned above, magnesium, vitamin B6, and manganese.   The right balance of these nutrients can help depression,  irritability and as an added bonus they carry few calories for those girls watching their weight. 

3.  Fish  – Fish is high in both omega 3's and 6 fatty acids.   Small fish will have the least amount of pollutants so check out mackerel, sardines and herring.  Ok, it may not be what you were craving but think outside the box.  You're body will love you because it's high in oils, (good for skin and hair) and fish is  also a great source of Vitamin D.  Studies suggest a diet rich in vitamin D may reduce the risk of PMS by about 40 percent.

4.  Nuts –  Nuts are fast and easy and the natural oils help your body make the "feel good" neurotransmitters that impact mood.  Throw  nuts into any meal and they spice up just about everything.  Walnuts, pecans, almonds, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts are some of my favorites.

5.  Sweet potatoes and/or yams –  I consider yams a goddess food for all age women. High in vitamin and minerals, yams are really the perfect food.  Baking a yam is so simple, just wash it and place in oven at 350 degree's for about 45 minutes and your done.  For a faster version, slice the yam into rounds with the skin on, place on a cooking sheet with a little olive oil and thyme and their done in a quick 15 minutes.  (melt blue cheese or feta on top for a yummy treat.)

6.  Water  Drink lots of water.  Often we think we're hungry when really we are just thirsty.  Staying completely hydrated helps bloating and of course fills you up so you won't want to binge on those junk foods.  You can drink  your water as tea, hot or cold.  Add lemon or sweeteners if you need too. If you need more than just foods for your PMS try our PMS Relief tea. It's all herbs, tastes great and is guaranteed to work fast.  You can drink it as a tea right when your period arrives or use a packet in the middle of the month at ovulation to help you deal with mood swings.  The added benefit is the herbs in PMS Relief also help regulate your cycle.  You'll be pain free, PMS free, and bloating will never bother you again.


Acupuncture for Menopause Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

By Jennifer Dubowsky

A new study shows the benefits of acupuncture for relieving menopausal symptoms. The report, published in the journal Acupuncture in Medicine, found that acupuncture reduced the psychological and physical effects of menopause.

The research included 53 postmenopausal women and assigned 27 of them to a five-week course of acupuncture, twice a week. The rest of the women got sham treatments. Those who received acupuncture showed more relief from their symptoms than the placebo group. Both their hot flashes and mood swings were less severe.  Plus the estrogen levels were significantly higher for the women in the acupuncture group compared to the control group.

The researchers suggested that acupuncture may offer an alternative for women who can’t or don’t want to use hormone replacement therapy to ease menopause symptoms.

Check out Menopause Relief Herb Tea for a healthy way to bring your body back into balance and be free from those annoying hot flashes and night sweats. 

Calm Down Your Liver and Sleep Better is The Chinese Medicine Way

 I enjoyed this article from China Daily and thought it contained enough common sense to help with a good nights sleep. Sometimes we overlook the simple answers to healthy sleep habits. . So here it is.

Since one third of our lives are spent in bed, it is hard to overlook the significance of sleep.

Tips to improve sleep, from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theories to clinical practices, can therefore benefit your life.

TCM practitioners believe that spring and the liver have the same property of "mu" (wood), thus the liver tends to be over-active, making people touchy.

The stomach and spleens have the "tu" (earth) property and is the opposite of "mu". If the opposition between these two properties becomes too strong, people will feel uncomfortable.

"Obviously, being angry and uncomfortable makes it hard to fall into sleep," says Dr Li Haicong, director of the Office of Geriatrics at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, who is also an experienced TCM practitioner.

The solution is to calm down the activity of the liver, and to reduce the burden on stomach and spleen, which can be fulfilled by a light diet and gentle exercise.

"Do not have too much strong-flavored food. Avoid intake of stimulating food or drink, such as pepper, alcohol and coffee," Li says. He strongly recommends foods such as  fish, pork, duck, lily root, Chinese yam, asparagus lettuce, lotus seed, apples and bananas.   Chicken, mutton, beef and oranges are not advisable in spring.

"Aerobic exercises, such as jogging, playing badminton and swimming, are also beneficial to good sleep," Li adds.Aerobic exercises will improve oxygen consumption and will prepare the body for peaceful sleep. But it should be done at least three hours before going to bed.

Taking a nap between 11 am to 1 pm, a traditional practice in China, is healthy, too, although many people have dropped the habit due to their faster-paced life.

"A nap should not be too long. About 15 to 30 minutes is enough," Li notes. "The quality of sleep is more important than the length."

For the elderly, who often have insomnia, perhaps due to chronic diseases, a good night's sleep is extremely important.  Li and his colleagues have found that a restful sleep will improve the condition of patients, which will in turn improve the sleep. And vice versa.

"If patients cannot sleep well, taking some TCM will be helpful, but that must be conducted under a doctors' guidance," Li says.

Is Your Menopause a Hormonal Nightmare?

Ever heard of bed time aerobics? It’s a night class nobody would purposely sign up for, but you just may have experienced it.

It goes something like this.  “I fall asleep comfortably wrapped in my comforter in my flannel PJ’s when it’s cold.  After a few hours I shed the top comforter layer.  Then I’m down to the sheet which eventually gets soaked in sweat.  At this point the chills set in and I’m back to pulling up the comforter, shedding the PJ’s for a dry cotton t-shirt and then the process starts again.”

If you are in the peri-menopausal or menopause years you know it as “night sweats”.

There is also the day time version which most women know as “hot flashes”.  Western medicine says this is all caused by the hypothalamus that gets confused by fluctuating estrogen levels and sends the message for blood vessels to dilate to heat you up, and then release sweat to cool you down.

Night sweats can go on for years and interrupted sleep can lead to a host of other health problems.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), night sweats and hot flashes are due to an imbalance in the yin and yang energies in the body. As we age, everyone, males and females become deficient in both yin and yang.  Night time is yin time, and when a person is yin deficient, the symptoms tend to manifest at the height of yin (night) time.  Night sweats are considered very debilitating in Chinese medicine because sweat is considered a fluid of the heart. Therefore, sweating at night while sleeping (not exercising) can also be accompanied by heart palpitations, insomnia, fatigue and paleness,

The appropriate treatment is to boost the yin and the yang with foods and Chinese herbs. 

Asian women experience much fewer hot flashes and night sweats and very few of them are ever put on hormone replacement therapy.  Interestingly, only about 10% of Asian women experience noticeable menopausal symptoms, compared with 75% of the women in the United States.

The use of food as medicine is a basic idea in Asian culture, and a fundamental principle in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Herbs are commonly used in Asian cooking to help supplement the yin energy as people age.  Chinese herbs are made into teas and commonly served as a daily drink to supplement health concerns  often before symptoms get seriously out of control.  This early “preventative” approach helps many women avoid the dreaded night time aerobics we commonly see in the U.S. population.  Our Menopause Relief Herb Pac will boost both your yin and yang energy to reset your body’s natural thermostat and eliminate the night sweats and hot flashes in just a few short weeks, guaranteed.

What’s Curcumin Got to Do With Breast Cancer?

Breast Cancer has been spreading faster than wildfire for over three decades.  A new discovery recently published explains how the Chinese herb Curcumae Radix, can possibly help prevent breast cancer and can be used for breast cancer therapy.

Top doctors are studying breast cancer treatments around the clock and yet there is little  in the way of PREVENTIVE strategies.  The reasons are complicated but it may be partly due to the fact the breast cancer is not one disease.  There are several different types of cancer cells which all cause breast cancer, some are more aggressive while others spread slower.   To understand which cancer cells a patient has, doctors must analyze the cells individually. Once this is determined, treatment options can be customized, including herbal treatments for breast cancer.

The recent study from the University of California, San Diego,  published in the British Journal, Nature, has discovered a molecule called RANKL, found in aggressive breast cancer cells that predicts more deadly, lethal and life threatening disease.  The findings from these recent studies suggests that herbs with the correct chemicals can block RANKL and may be effective in preventing both the early stages of breast cancer and the advanced progression of the disease. Research has also shown the active ingredient in the Chinese herb, Curcumae root  (small quantities found in the spice Turmeric) has properties that also reduce the expression of these deadly molecules within cancer cells and can potentially slow the spread of breast cancer.

This new research demonstrates that when a  protein molecule called RANKL (Receptor Activated Nuclear Factor Kappa Ligand) is present in breast cancer cells in high amounts, these tumor cells are more activated, more aggressive, more likely to spread and more likely to kill.  RANKL is produced by regulatory T-Cellsthat modulate our immune response.  High levels of these T-cells means high levels of RANKL, high levels of inflammation and aggressive high risk disease.

Dr. Bharat Aggarwal, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX is one of many respected researchers and experts who has published many studies on the effects of curcumin on cancer cells.  According to Dr. Aggarwal

“Curcumin has a very special nature which will work both for cancer prevention as well as for cancer therapy.”

Turmeric (Curcuma longa or Curcumae radix) is one of the most potent cancer fighting foods. Curcumin, the active ingredient in this common medicinal and culinary herb has been widely studied.  It is recognized as a potent cell protectant, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.  Turmeric has been used for centuries to support cancer patients in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine and Indian Ayurvedic Medicine.  Now modern science demonstrates why it works.  Curcumin has been shown to influence many cellular factors, including lowering RANKL.

Blocking tumor promoting RANKL can block the spread of breast cancer cells to other parts of the body.  This new information gives women hope that using the natural substance, Curcumin can be used as a preventative, and can lower inflammation, lower RANKL, thereby lowering breast cancer risk.

As with any potent botanical medicine or Chinese herbal medicine, the use of curcumin should be used under the supervision of a knowledgeable licensed Acupuncturist and herbalist or other licensed professional.  Countries such as India use turmeric  frequently in their daily diet and have lower rates of many cancers including prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.  Turmeric can be safely added to your food as a cooking spice to add anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties to your daily diet.

Disclaimer: Please consult a physician before making any decisions regarding breast cancer treatment.

See the study at the link below.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16219905  Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) down-regulates expression of cell proliferation and antiapoptotic and metastatic gene products through suppression of IkappaBalpha kinase and Akt activation.

Also check out this link at the Linus Pauling Institute research on curcumin for breast cancer.   http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/phytochemicals/curcumin/

More helpful links on Curcumin: ” Curcumin for Prevention of Colorectal Neoplasia”   American Botanical Council               http://cms.herbalgram.org/herbclip/442/091152-442.html

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if you need help finding a Licensed Acupuncturist or herbalist in your neighborhood.