1.  Herbal Formulas are designed to treat the whole body, not just the symptoms.

Most Western medications works because they give you quick relief from symptoms but  often do nothing for the underlying root problem.     You can treat the root of the problem with herbal medicine rather than just treating symptoms. You’ll start feeling better from the inside out when you treat the whole body.  The definition of  disease (DIS-ease) is: an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction.  Disease usually happens slowly over an extended period of time and a complete recovery can take just as long if not longer, quick fixes often don’t work because that is not how our bodies works.herbal-medicine

2. Herbal Formulas are effective.

Imagine how much more enjoyable life would be if you simply had more energy, a clearer head and a relaxed body. Look at the thousands of studies on pubmed.com  that have been done on plant based medicine to prove time tested results are more than coincidence for diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, menstrual irregularities, migraines, the list is endless.

3. Herbs have a proven track record.

Herbal Medicine is the main medicine for over 80% of the world’s population and has a long established record of effectiveness.  Chinese herbal medicine has written documentation going back to 200 AD. Asian cultures have used this plant-based medicine or medicinal herbs for thousands of years and have an inherent understanding of their healing qualities. In fact, many Chinese dishes are  made with herbs for medicinal value, for example to enhance digestion, warm the body during cold weather or cool the body during hot weather.

4. Herbs are 100% Natural.

Our biochemistry has evolved over millions of years with plants as our main source of food, so we are naturally compatible with medicinal herbs. Herbal medicines  inherently have the same chemical structures that built your body in the first place.  Allkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins and more are all found in natural plants. These are the chemical structures your body needs to repair itself.

5. Herbs are cost effective.

Herbal supplements are the best investment you can make in yourself. They are far less expensive than prescription medication and their greatest savings comes from the prevention of long term illness. The western standard for disease- if you’re not sick, you’re healthy – should not be the measurement of one’s health.

6. Herbs are synergistic; they work with the body’s natural immune system.

Many herbs, like ginseng, for example, are all in one, immune-stimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-oxidant. Herbal formulas often work on multiple organ systems to improve overall health.   No prescription drug can do that.